The Buddhist Guide to a Happy Life: The Noble Eightfold Path

The Buddhist Guide to a Happy Life: The Noble Eightfold Path  | Third Monk image 1

Buddha correctly recognized that suffering (duhkha) originates through ignorance and craving, the Noble Eightfold Path is a guide to eliminate ignorance and craving, and by extension, suffering.

The 4th Noble Truth, the Eightfold Path deals with the cultivation of wisdom, moral conduct, and mental discipline.

These Eight guide posts are not commandments, they are vows. For anyone interested in the path to liberation, these ways of life serve to accelerate the process.

The aim of the path is to live a fully balanced life; consider following each part of the Eightfold Path simultaneously, as each step on the path is not meant to be a linear progression.


1. Right View (Wisdom)

Having the wisdom to see things as they really are. Observing and accepting the impermanence of reality and the duhkha (suffering) that is caused by craving for a separate, permanent existence.

2. Right Intention (Wisdom)

Defined simply, it is the intention to act only out of love and compassion. Having a wrong view of reality, where one sees things as separate and permanently enduring causes a person to wrongly grasp for what appears to contribute to their form of identification: a separate/permanent self. The false belief that happiness comes by avoiding what appears to threaten the self.

This way of thinking gives rise to craving, hatred, and violence. Those with right intention instead see the interdependence of all things and processes, correctly identifing that cultivating love and compassion for all beings will bring happiness.

Butchart Gardens Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada

3. Right Speech (Ethical Conduct)

Generally, right speech refers to the avoidance of all talk that will hurt either oneself or others and to speak pleasantly in ways that will help overcome suffering.

It’s negative forms can be interpreted as: lying, slander, character assassination, talk that might bring about hatred, jealousy, enmity, discord, harsh or rude talk, impolite or abusive language, idle or malicious gossip, etc.

It’s positive forms are: telling the truth, speaking in a kindly and friendly way, and using language meaningfully and usefully.

By realizing the time and place for certain language, it implies that at times “noble silence” may be ideal.

4. Right Action (Ethical Conduct)

Based on the idea that no beings have independent existence, then all are dependent upon each other. With this understood, selfishness no longer has any basis.

Negatively, right action can be interpreted as killing, hurting, stealing, cheating, etc.

Positively, it means promoting peace and happiness, and respecting the well-being of all living things.

5. Right Livelihood (Ethical Conduct)

This extends the two former tenets to how one earns a living, prohibiting those careers that bring harm to others. Specifically: drug dealing, using and dealing in weapons, making poisons, killing animals, dealing in prostitution or slavery, etc.

Positively, right livelihood requires that one’s living is earned by means that are honorable, useful, and helpful.


6. Right Effort (Mental Development)

The above developments require discipline, which includes right effort and the two tenets below (right mindfulness & concentration).

Practicing Right Effort includes:

  • Preventing evil and unwholesome states of mind from arising,
  • Getting rid of evil and unwholesome states of mind that may already exits,
  • Bringing about good and wholesome states of mind,
  • Developing and perfecting good and wholesome states of mind already present.

7. Right Mindfulness (Mental Development)

Consists in being aware of and attentive to all of one’s activities.


  • Activities of the body,
  • Sensing and feeling,
  • Perceiving,
  • Thinking and consciousness.

This means understanding what these activities are, how they arise, how they disappear, how they are developed, controlled, gotten rid of, and how they are related to each other.

8. Right Concentration (Mental Development)

Refers to a focusing of consciousness that enables one to see deeply into something. Both ignorance and enlightenment, which produce suffering and happiness respectively, have their root in one’s mental activities.

Because one’s mental states determine everything one does, it makes sense to concentrate on purifying one’s mental activities as a means to achieving happiness.

1st Stage:
  • Concentrate on getting rid of lust, ill-will, laziness, worry, anxiety, and doubt.
  • These unwholesome mental activities are replaced by feelings of joy and happiness.
2nd Stage:
  • Concentrate on seeing through and getting beyond all mental activities.
  • Retaining an awareness of joy and happiness. 
3rd Stage:
  • One goes beyond the mental activity responsible for the feeling of joy.
  • Achieves an equanimity pervaded by happiness.
4th Stage:
  • Complete equanimity and total awareness.


Alan Watts on The Real Eightfold Path

Source (recommended for further philosophical study)

John Lennon Imagine Comic Strip By Pablo Stanley (Video)

John Lennon Imagine Comic Strip By Pablo Stanley (Video) | Third Monk image 2

‘Imagine’ speaks from the heart evoking powerful emotions of unity and love; this comic strip joyfully animates this feeling perfectly.

Pablo Stanley masterfully captures the intent and love behind John Lennon’s now iconic song.

The loving thoughts that led to this song’s creation are beginning to take shape in today’s society. As technology and communication expand and unify our consciousness, connections we make pave the way for massive changes in the way we live and interact together.

John Lennon Imagine Comic Strip

John Lennon Imagine Comic Strip

John Lennon Imagine Live

Enjoy this live version of Imagine and check out the work of Pablo Stanley

The Zen Float Tent – First Affordable Isolation Tank For Home Use

The Zen Float Tent - First Affordable Isolation Tank For Home Use | Third Monk image 3

The benefits of sensory deprivation tanks are no secret: relaxation, deep meditation, soothing chronic muscle pain, increased athletic performance, and an overall sense of well being, but until now these benefits came at a hefty financial cost.

Zen Float has created an isolation tank that can be self assembled and is cheaper than its competition. Ideally it is paving the way for higher accessibility and lowered costs in the industry.

Much lighter than traditional models, the Zen Float Tent will weigh a little more than a water bed once you add the epsom salt and water.

Zen Float is running a Kickstarter to fund their idea, check it out for more details on the product. Whether you can afford to pre-order your own tank or not, it’s awesome to support a company that is hopefully going to make a huge difference for the collective conciousness.

Uncovered Zen Float Tent

Zen Float Tent - uncovered

Zen Float Tent in the Wild

Zen Float Tent - Wilderness

> Zen Float | Visual News

Floatation Tank – The Science of Sensory Deprivation Therapy

Floatation Tank - The Science of Sensory Deprivation Therapy | Third Monk image 5


Floatation tanks are increasing in popularity, offering eager psychonauts a chance to explore this unique state of mind of sensory deprivation.

The Brain Without Sensory Input

Deprived of external stimuli, the brain generates its own. Parts of the visual field light up in unrecognizable shapes, which eventually morph into more complex manifestations such as dots, lines and grated patterns.

With the advent of brain imagining techniques, scientists have been able to capture the brain basis of such finicky visual hallucinations during sensory deprivation. In 2000, one such study found that volunteers’ visual cortexes became more active after less than an hour of visual deprivation.


Hallucinations may also occur in other sensory domains:

For me, it was auditory: initially, I heard a beautiful aria drifting in and out, like music from a faraway phonograph; soon it morphed into a full symphony before settling into a simple, tribal beat. Incredibly, I did not recognize any of these tunes; my brain was spontaneously generating them. – Shelly Fan, Discover

Exercising Creativity and Concentration in the Tank


A small study of five university professors found that six 90-minute float sessions allowed them to generate more “creative” ideas, which coincided with a self-reported increase in free imagery and remote associations. Similarly, in a study with 40 university students, a single hour of flotation increased their scores on a standardized test used to measure creativity.

A far more researched effect of flotation is that it enhances performance in a variety of athletic and musical tasks that require high levels of concentration and visual-motor coordination, including basketballtennisarchery and jazz improvisation. In a sample of 13 jazz students, four sessions enhanced their technical performance one week after the last flotation experience, suggesting the possibility of lasting benefits.

Dr. Peter Suedfeld, a pioneering psychologist in the field, speculates that flotation may enhance creativity and performance in a manner similar to that of sleep or meditation. Research has shown that during resting states the brain repeatedly rehearses newly learned skills and consolidates recently acquired knowledge for long-term storage.

However, Suedfeld says, compared to sleep or meditation, such “twilight” states are more easily achievable without prior training or conscious effort via flotation. 

Physical Relief and Benefits of Floating


Cognitive perturbations only make up half of the flotation experience; far more noticeable are the physical effects. 

In the early 1980s, a group of psychologists at the Medical College of Ohio initiated a series of experiments that looked at the physiological responses to floating. Both within and across flotation sessions, blood pressure and levels of stress-related hormones dropped – effects that persisted long after the cessation of the last flotation experience.

In 2005, a meta-analysis further confirmed that flotation was more effective at reducing stress than other popular methods such as relaxation exercises, biofeedback or relaxing on the couch.

Floating Away: The Science of Sensory Deprivation Therapy | Discover Magazine

A Visit to the Observatory is a Psychedelic Trip – Joe Rogan (Video)

A Visit to the Observatory is a Psychedelic Trip - Joe Rogan (Video) | Third Monk image 1

Joe Rogan talks about one of the best psychedelic experiences he’s ever had that didn’t involve a drug. The elevation of the Keck Observatory in Hawaii is so high, you can only reach it by driving up and past the clouds.

You have this incredible view of the stars, where you see the whole milky way like a movie. I was staring into the impossible, I remember being upset that I couldn’t see this every night.

That’s up there all the time, and by not seeing that and just making it this blank screen, you lose the feel for what’s really going on.

When you’re on top of an observatory and you look out at this incredible view of the stars, you realize we are really in space right now, on a big organic spaceship. – Joe Rogan Experience #371 with Rick Doblin, Founder of  Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

Astronauts that go into space and look back down at earth experience the overview effect. The view from above causes a shift in consciousness and a reminder of how much wonder exists in the universe.

Laser_Towards_Milky_Ways_Joe Rogan


Using Psychedelics to Imprint the Buddhist Experience by Dr. Timothy Leary (Guide)

Using Psychedelics to Imprint the Buddhist Experience by Dr. Timothy Leary (Guide) | Third Monk image 6


A Guide to a Successful Psychedelic Experience

This guidebook may also be used to avoid paranoid trips or to regain transcendence if it has been lost. If the experience starts with light, peace, mystic unity, understanding, and continues along this path, then there is no need to remember the manual or have it reread to you. Like a road map, consult it only when lost, or when you wish to change course.

Planning a Session


What is the goal? There can be four possibilities:

  1. Increased personal power, intellectual understanding, sharpened insight into self and culture, improvement of life situation, accelerated learning, professional growth.
  2. Duty, help of others, providing care, rehabilitation, rebirth for fellow men.
  3. Fun, sensuous enjoyment, aesthetic pleasure, interpersonal closeness, pure experience.
  4. Transcendence, liberation from ego and space-time limits; attainment of mystical union.

The manual’s primary emphasis on the last goal does not preclude other goals – in fact, it guarantees their attainment because illumination requires that the person be able to step out beyond problems of personality, role, and professional status. The initiate can decide beforehand to devote their psychedelic experience to any of the four goals.

In the extroverted transcendent experience, the self is ecstatically fused with external objects (e.g., flowers, other people). In the introverted state, the self is ecstatically fused with internal life processes (lights, energy waves, bodily events, biological forms, etc.).

Either state may be negative rather than positive, depending on the voyager’s set and setting.

For the extroverted mystic experience, one would bring to the session candles, pictures, books, incense, music, or recorded passages to guide the awareness in the desired direction. An introverted experience requires eliminating all stimulation: no light, no sound, no smell, no movement.



Psychedelic chemicals are not drugs in the usual sense of the word. There is no specific somatic or psychological reaction. In initial sessions with unprepared persons, set and setting – particularly the actions of others – are most important.

Long range set refers to personal history, enduring personality, the kind of person you are. Your fears, desires, conflicts, guilts, secret passions, determine how you interpret and manage any psychedelic session.

Flexibility, basic trust, philosophic faith, human openness, courage, interpersonal warmth, creativity, allow for fun and easy learning. Rigidity, desire to control, distrust, cynicism, narrowness, cowardice, coldness, make any new situation threatening.

Immediate set refers to expectations about the session itself. People naturally tend to impose personal and social perspectives on any new situation. For example, some ill-prepared subjects unconsciously impose a medical model on the experience. They look for symptoms, interpret each new sensation in terms of sickness/health, and, if anxiety develops, demand tranquilizers.

Psychedelics offer vast possibilities of accelerated learning and scientific- scholarly research, but for initial sessions, intellectual reactions can become traps. “Turn your mind off” is the best advice for novitiates. After you have learned how to move your consciousness around – into ego loss and back, at will – then intellectual exercises can be incorporated into the psychedelic experience. The objective is to free you from your verbal mind for as long as possible.

Recreational and aesthetic expectations are natural. The psychedelic experience provides ecstatic moments that dwarf any personal or cultural game. Interpersonal intimacy reaches Himalayan heights. Aesthetic delights – musical, artistic, botanical, natural – are raised to the millionth power. But ego-game reactions – “I am having this ecstasy. How lucky I am!” – can prevent the subject from reaching pure ego loss.

Some Practical Recommendations


The subject should set aside at least three days: a day before the experience, the session day, and a follow-up day. This scheduling guarantees a reduction in external pressure and a more sober commitment. Talking to others who have taken the voyage is excellent preparation, although the hallucinatory quality of all descriptions should be recognized.

Reading books about mystical experience and of others’ experiences is another possibility (Aldous HuxleyAlan Watts, and Terence Mckenna have written powerful accounts). Meditation is probably the best preparation. Those who have spent time in a solitary attempt to manage the mind, to eliminate thought and reach higher stages of concentration, are the best candidates for a psychedelic session. 

The Setting


First and most important, provide a setting removed from one’s usual interpersonal games, and as free as possible from unforeseen distractions and intrusions. The voyager should make sure that he will not be disturbed; visitors or a phone call will often jar him into hallucinatory activity. Trust in the surroundings and privacy are necessary.

The day after the session should be set aside to let the experience run its natural course and allow time for reflection and meditation. A too-hasty return to game involvements will blur the clarity and reduce the potential for learning. It is very useful for a group to stay together after the session to share and exchange experiences.

Many people are more comfortable in the evening, and consequently their experiences are deeper and richer. The person should choose the time of day that seems right. Later, he may wish to experience the difference between night and day sessions. Similarly, gardens, beaches, forests, and open country have specific influences that one may or may not wish. The essential thing is to feel as comfortable as possible, whether in one’s living room or under the night sky.

Familiar surroundings may help one feel confident in hallucinatory periods. If the session is held indoors, music, lighting, the availablility of food and drink, should be considered beforehand. Most people report no hunger during the height of the experience, then later on prefer simple ancient foods like bread, cheese, wine, and fresh fruit. The senses are wide open, and the taste and smell of a fresh orange are unforgetable.

In group sessions, people usually will not feel like walking or moving very much for long periods, and either beds or mattresses should be provided. One suggestion is to place the heads of the beds together to form a star pattern. Perhaps one may want to place a few beds together and keep one or two some distance apart for anyone who wishes to remain aside for some time. The availability of an extra room is desirable for someone who wishes to be in seclusion.

The Period of Ego Loss


Liberation is the nervous system devoid of mental-conceptual redundancy. The mind in its conditioned state, limited to words and ego games, is continuously in thought-formation activity. The nervous system in a state of quiescence, alert, awake but not active, is comparable to what Buddhists call the highest state of dhyana (deep meditation).

The duration of this state varies, depending on the individual’s experience, security, trust, preparation, and the surroundings. In those who have a little practical experience of the tranquil state of non-game awareness, this state can last from 30 minutes to several hours.

The subject should hail stomach messages as a sign that consciousness is moving around in the body. Experience the sensation fully, and let consciousness flow on to the next phase. It is usually more natural to let the subject’s attention move from the stomach and concentrate on breathing and heartbeat. If this does not free him from nausea, the guide should move the consciousness to external events – music, walking in the garden, etc. As a last resort, heave.

Note: This was a condensed version of Timothy Leary’s psychedelic guidebook. The full guide has suggestions on involving a guide aka sober cop.

Dream Analysis: Common Dream Symbols and Their Meanings

Dream Analysis: Common Dream Symbols and Their Meanings | Third Monk image 8

Dreams are best interpreted by you and in the context of your particular dream.

Your recent mood and waking life experience can also play a part in your analysis.

Common Dream Symbols



often represent the part of your psyche that feels connected to nature and survival. Being chased by a predator suggests you’re holding back repressed emotions like fear or aggression.


can symbolize a literal desire to produce offspring, or your own vulnerability or need to feel loved. They can also signify a new start.

Being chased

is one of the most common dream symbols in all cultures. It means you are feeling threatened, so reflect on who is chasing you (they may also be symbolic) and why they are a possible threat in real life.



make a statement about how we want other people to perceive us. If you dream symbol is shabby clothing, you may feel unattractive or worn out. Changing what you wear may reflect a lifestyle change.


can signify self-evaluation, with the content of the exam reflecting the part of your personality or life under inspection.


of a friend or loved one represents change (endings and new beginnings) and is not a paranormal prediction of any kind. If you are recently bereaved, it may be an attempt to come to terms with the event.


is a common dream symbol that relates to our anxieties about letting go, losing control, or somehow failing after a success.


Faulty Machinery

in dreams is often caused by your language centers being shut down while asleep, making it difficult to dial a phone, read the time, or search the internet. It can also represent performance anxiety in life.


is said to symbolize knowledge, because it nourishes the body just as information nourishes the brain. Food for thought?


are sneaky evil entities which signify repressed emotions. You may secretly feel the need to change your own behaviors for the better.



has significant ties with sexuality, according to Freud. Abundant hair may symbolize virility, while cutting hair off in a dream shows a loss of libido. Hair loss may also express a literal fear of going bald or becoming unattractive.


are always present in dreams but when they are tied up it may represent feelings of futility. Washing your hands may express guilt. Looking closely at your hands in a dream is a good way to become lucid.


can host many common dream symbols, but the building as a whole represents your inner psyche. Each room or floor can symbolize different emotions, memories and interpretations of meaningful events.


in your dreams does not make you a closet murderer; it represents your desire to “kill” part of your own personality. It can also symbolize hostility towards a particular person and the desire to see them suffer.



may be a literal desire to wed or a merging of the feminine and masculine parts of your psyche.

Missing a flight

or any other kind of transport is another popular dream, showing your frustration over possibly missing out on important opportunities in life. It’s most common when you’re struggling to make a big decision.


can symbolize self worth. If you dream of exchanging money, it may show that you’re anticipating some changes in your life.


are obstacles, so to dream of successfully climbing a mountain can reveal a true feeling of achievement. Viewing a landscape from atop a mountain can symbolize a life under review without conscious prejudice.



is one of the most common dream symbols, revealing your true self to others. You may feel vulnerable and exposed to others. Showing off your nudity may suggest sexual urges or a desire for recognition.


(other dream characters) are reflections of your own psyche, and may demonstrate specific aspects of your own personality.

Radios and TVs

can symbolize communication channels between the conscious and subconscious minds. When lucid, ask them a question…


aside from being literal manifestations, convey your direction in life. This may be time to question your current “life path”.



are common dream symbols in children and teenagers but what about dreaming of school in adulthood? It may display a need to know and understand yourself, fueled by life’s own lessons.


dreams can symbolize intimacy and a literal desire for sex. Or they may demonstrate the unification of unconscious emotions with conscious recognition, showing a new awareness and personal growth.


aside from being literal manifestations of people, can represent authority figures with the power to enlighten you.


are common dream symbols. Dreaming of losing your teeth may show a hidden fear of getting old and being unattractive to the opposite sex.

Being trapped

(physically) is a common nightmare theme, reflecting your real life inability to escape or make the right choice.



may reflect how much control you feel you have over your life – for instance is the car out of control, or is someone else driving you?


comes in many forms and can symbolize the subconscious mind. Calm pools of water reflect inner peace while a choppy ocean can suggest unease.


> Common Dream Interpretations | World of Lucid Dreaming

The Four Noble Truths – Buddha’s First Teaching

The Four Noble Truths - Buddha's First Teaching | Third Monk image 2

beautiful-lotus-flower-pictures-Four Noble Truths

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. – The Buddha

peace-buddha-buddhism-Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths:

  1. All things and experiences are marked by suffering/ disharmony/ frustration (dukkha). 
    • Suffering exists. We suffer when we experience pain. We suffer when we do not get what we want. We suffer when we get what we want, but it does not last indefinitely. We suffer when we have some idea of what we want and the reality is a bit different. This is the First Noble Truth.
  2. The arising of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration comes from desire/ craving/ clinging. 
    • The cause of suffering is desire—our inflexible desire for things to be other than what they are. According to the Buddha, the problem is not that we are not getting what we want, it is that we want too much.
  3. To achieve the cessation or end of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, let go of desire/ craving/ clinging.
    • It is possible to put an end to suffering by learning to live more simply and be content with what we do have. This is sometimes referred to as putting an end to desire, but it doesn’t mean that we desire nothing at all; it means that we recognize desire as desire, and we act on some desires, such as the desire to make others happy, but we do not expect that we will realize happiness by satisfying our desires.
  4. The way to achieve that cessation of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, is walking the Eight-fold Path.
    • Right understanding, aspiration, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.

Alan Watts – The Four Noble Truths

Alan Watts gives his interpretation of the four noble truths in this video lecture.

Buddha | Lucid Cafe

> Buddhism | Parralax

The Overview Effect – A Profound Shift in Human Consciousness (Video)

The Overview Effect - A Profound Shift in Human Consciousness (Video) | Third Monk image 4

The Overview Effect, first described by author Frank White in 1987, is an experience that transforms astronauts’ perspective of the planet and mankind’s place upon it.

Common features of the experience are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.

‘Overview’ is a short film that explores this phenomenon through interviews with five astronauts who have experienced the Overview Effect. The film also features insights from commentators and thinkers on the wider implications and importance of this understanding for society, and our relationship to the environment. 

Earth-From-Space_Overview Effect

Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside, is available… a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose. – Fred Hoyle, 1948

edgar-mitchell-quote-earth-moon-Overview Effect

For more pictures of the Earth taken from space go here and here.

Overview Effect

Binaural Beats: A Digital Auditory Drug for Mind Enhancement & Optimization (Video)

Binaural Beats: A Digital Auditory Drug for Mind Enhancement & Optimization (Video) | Third Monk image 2


Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He discovered when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately, one to each ear, your brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and tries to reconcile that difference.

In doing so, as the two frequencies mesh in and out of phase, your brain creates its own third signal — called a binaural beat — which is equal to the difference between those two frequencies.


Research has shown that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin resonating in tune with that beat. This technique can be used to quickly and easily guide your mind into a desired state.

The concept that music can change your mood is, of course, nothing new. I am unsure if binaural beats offer an improvement over typical music, placebo or otherwise. More conclusive studies are required, but if you do find you enjoy the beats, there are many free options available so you won’t have to pay for the service.

And if you find you want to make your own binaural beats, check out:
Open Source Binaural Beat Generator.

 Binaural Beats: A Digital Auditory Drug for Mind Enhancement & Optimization

528 Hz Schumann – Chakra Balance (Meditation Enhancement)

528 Hz love frequency based meditation; with a Schumann resonance, binaural entrainment vibration rate of 7.8 Hz.

Retain Information During Studying (Study Tool)

(*Headphones required*)
This binaural study aid features many different frequencies between 4 & 14 Hz. It begins at 4Hz and rises slowly, ending with a 14hz Alpha tone at around the 50 min mark. The pitch remains constant throughout. Adjust the volume accordingly and feel free to mix with music, though it is advised to spend some time adjusting to the tone by itself first.

Extremely Powerful Multidimensional Self Connection

Close your eyes.
Listen with headphones.
Early morning time is best. 🙂

This Binaural is very powerful. If you have never used them before, start on some lower effect and build up.

Lucid Dream Induction | ‘Matrices’ | A Movie in Your Mind


The 6-minute hypnosis at the start (STAGE #1) is there to help you fall asleep within the first 10-minutes of the lucid dream inducement (STAGE #2). It’s therefore recommended that you listen to STAGE #1 before every session until you’re confident that you can fall asleep without it, in which case just click on the annotation at the start to skip straight to the induction. The reason you have to sleep within 10 mins of STAGE #2 is so that the peak of your REM sleep/dream activity syncronizes with the triggers/affirmations at 1:11:28 secs.

STAGE #1 has the added benefit of providing several affirmations to prepare your mind for lucidity; “Tonight I will lucid dream”, “I am the master of my dreams” etc. (see below)

The first 65 minutes of STAGE #2 will guide your brainwaves into a deep Delta sleep, while the remainder will transition your mind into Theta, the state in which REM sleep and dreams (at their peak intensity) occur. From 65 mins of Stage #2 onwards, there will be a number of affirmations designed to trigger lucidity. You are advised to skip to these now so that you can adjust volume levels accordingly. (1:11:28 secs )

It is important to develop the habit of performing ‘reality checks’ throughout the day as the affirmations will prompt you to perform these in your dream. Of course you may even trigger lucidity without this audio – but this is just a tool to help you speed up the process. The key to getting results is persistence.

STAGE #1 AFFIRMATIONS (before and after the relaxation hypnosis)
“The next time I am dreaming, I will know that I am dreaming
“I am the master of my dreams”
“Tonight I will have a lucid dream”
“When dreaming, I recognize that I am dreaming”
STAGE #2 AFFIRMATIONS (From 1Hr 11 Mins 28 secs onwards)
“You are dreaming”
“Do a reality check”
“This is a dream”
“You are taking control of your dream”
“You are now dreaming”
“Is this a dream?”
“Perform a reality check”
“I am awakening within my dream”
“I am becoming consciously aware”

Deep Delta Sleep Meditation

Deep delta brainwave audio for meditation, relaxation and sleep.

Headphones are not needed as this uses Sonic Harmonics audio technology.

Binaural Beats for High Mental Activity | Gamma Waves

High gamma binaural beats are associated with high mental activity. Ideally when we are actively and deeply focused on task or during meditation, our brain generates frequency higher than normal (between 25-100 Hz).

Share your experiences with Binaural Beats below, we’d love to hear them.


> How They Affect Your Brain | Immrama Institute

The Buddha – A Documentary Story of the Buddha’s Life (Video)

The Buddha - A Documentary Story of the Buddha's Life (Video) | Third Monk image 2

The Buddha never claimed to be God, or his emissary on Earth. He was a human being who, in a world of unavoidable pain and suffering, found serenity, which he said others could find too.

Why do human beings suffer? What constitutes ethical behavior? How is it possible to find peace and serenity?

These were questions which the Buddha asked, and which the film explores by giving an account of his spiritual journey.

Directed by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere. The documentary is woven through with animation and draws upon paintings and sculptures across 2 millennia by some of the world’s greatest artists, as well as fragments of the Buddha’s world still present in India and Nepal today.


The Buddha – A Documentary Story of the Buddha’s Life

I have seen many a film on Buddha, but few of them have succeeded as well as this one in so lucidly and compellingly presenting the transformative elements of his dharma. – Paul Knitter, Professor, Union Theological Seminary

celestial-buddha-wat-rong> Siddhartha | Grubin

Cymatics – Bringing Matter to Life with Sound (Video)

Cymatics - Bringing Matter to Life with Sound (Video) | Third Monk image 5


Dr. Hans Jenny made use of crystal oscillators and an invention of his own – the tonoscope – to set plates and membranes vibrating to show how sand and fluids react to the vibration.

This is called Cymatics.

These original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960’s by Dr. Hans Jenny. They depict amazing experiments that produce physically visual representations of sound.

Cymatics – Bringing Matter to Life with Sound – Part 1

This is not unregulated Chaos. It is a dynamic but ordered pattern. – Dr. Hans Jenny


Bringing Matter to Life – Part 2

The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was numbers or in the beginning was symmetry, etc….. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone, in sound.
– Hans Jenny


Bringing Matter to Life – Part 3

I remember the joy of looking at the cymatic sound patters, and the wonderful sense of “Yes!” that  rippled through my being. Each picture was worth at least a thousand words and I felt as though I were reading volumes in just a few minutes.
– Dr. John Beaulieu, “A Commentary on Cymatics” in the foreword of the 2001 edition of Cymatics by Hans Jenny
