4 Great Ways To Eat Magic Mushrooms (Guide)

4 Great Ways To Eat Magic Mushrooms (Guide) | Third Monk image 4

Magic Mushrooms are awesome! Once you get acquainted with the experience the next step is finding your preferred method of ingestion. Before going into the specifics I will highlight a couple of things that take my trips to the next level.

Shroom Trip Preparation


Pre Rolled Joints and Blunts

Unless you are not a cannabis smoker this is a definite must. Pre-roll all your joints and blunts because once you blast off you may find that rolling one is a bit of a challenge. Smoking compliments the trip, calms the stomach for the easily queasy and sets up the stage for some introspective moments when you hit your peak.


ingesting shrooms - fasting

Whether you get nauseous from eating shrooms or not, fasting will make the experience more enjoyable. Your stomach will be calmer and your trip will be stronger. I usually fast anywhere from 12 to 24 hours before tripping. To make the fast easier on yourself, don’t eat too late the night before and sleep in the next day, the majority of your fast will occur while you sleep. Drink plenty of water and if you do get hungry, eat some fruit.

Recording Devices/Pen and Pad/Art Supplies

Ingesting shrooms - pen and pad

If you’re an artist get your gear together and prepare to have fun when you feel the creativity flowing. If you’re a writer, record your voice or write down your thoughts. Basically, anything that you want to take back with you to sobreville will be easily transcribed by having the necessary tools. A trip can be visually intense, mentally stimulating, or philosophically ground breaking for your psyche. Knowing that you’ve got this all covered will keep your state of being flowing smoothly so that you can enjoy each moment without thinking: “what if?” or “if only!”

Great Ways To Eat Magic Mushrooms

Shroom Tea

Ingesting Mushroom tea

1 cup of tea for every dried out gram of mushrooms. Heat the water to a rolling boil.  Add the shrooms and wait until the mushrooms have sunk all the way to the bottom; this may take up to an hour. Do not boil the shrooms for more than an hour, the potency will be severely reduced. Pour the liquid and the shrooms in the wide mouth mason jar. Put the lid on and shake it up, this helps the mushrooms sink faster, making your tea ready faster. Stirring the tea also makes the tea ready sooner. Breaking up the dry mushrooms into a fine powder makes the bits of stems and caps sink faster. Drink the tea along with all of the shrooms that have floated to the bottom. It will bring you up fast into a trip, but it may not be as intense overall.


Shroom Smoothie/Juice

This method is great for anyone who is looking to mask the taste. Crush your magic mushrooms up while in the bag. Make your favorite smoothie, add the shrooms then pulse the blender a couple of times so that it mixes well. For an easier route, simply get your favorite kind of juice; orange juice, any naked juice, etc. Drink a little then add the crushed up shrooms and shake the bottle up. Drink and enjoy. The body absorbs liquids quicker which may result in a quicker come up.


Lemon/Lime Juice Shroom Shots

ingesting shrooms - the psychedelic lemon

Smash up your shrooms into a powder inside of the cup or in the bag. Pour in 2 to 4 ounces of fresh lemon or lime juice. Let the concoction sit for 30 minutes to an hour, you can stir occasionally if you please. The citric acid breaks down the psilocybin into psilocin. Your body does this when it digests the shrooms naturally. Drink the shot along with the left over shroom contents. In my experience, this method brings on your peak much faster and intensifies your trip.


Straight Super Mario – Eat The Shrooms Whole

Ingesting Mushrooms-by-citizenwolfie

Take your 1ups the old fashioned way. Make sure to chew them very well so that your stomach has an easier time breaking down the magic from the mushrooms. Feel free to chase the taste with whatever drink you prefer.

These are only a few methods that I personally use. Do you have anything to add to these methods, do you have new methods or are you a shroom expert? Let us know in the comments below. The Third Monk staff would love to know your favorite ways to 1up.

ingesting shrooms - 1up

Dan Hardy – Ayahuasca Trip Created Balance in My Life and MMA Career (Video)

Dan Hardy - Ayahuasca Trip Created Balance in My Life and MMA Career (Video) | Third Monk

UFC Welterweight fighter Dan Hardy talks to Middle Easy about the fresh perspective he gained from his first ever Ayahuasca Retreat in the Amazon jungle.

Dan Hardy’s Psychedelic Experience

In this audio clip, Dan Hardy gives you graphic detail of his retreat, from top to bottom, and even includes some crying and running about in his underwear. So, for those of you that might be contemplating something like this for yourself, here’s an explicit accounting from Dan. (Bloody Elbow)

[audio http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1375011/DHA.mp3]

1950’s Housewife Experiments with LSD (Video)

1950's Housewife Experiments with LSD (Video) | Third Monk image 1

Interview footage of a housewife taking a dose of LSD with Sidney Cohen in 1956.

“How do you feel inside?” 

“Inside? I don’t have any inside.”

“I’ve never seen such infinite beauty in my life.”

“I wish I could talk in technicolor.”

“I can’t tell you about it. If you can’t see it, then you’ll just never know it.