True Facts About The Octopus and CuttleFish – A Big Head With Three Hearts (Video)

True Facts About The Octopus and CuttleFish - A Big Head With Three Hearts (Video) | Third Monk image 2


After featuring the psychedelic vision of the Mantis Shrimp, the hilarious True Facts About Animals series is back with some love for Cephalopods.

True Facts About The Octopus

It is widely known that the interesting-ness of an animal is proportionate to how difficult it is to figure out where its butthole is. The octopus therefore is very interesting.


True Facts About The CuttleFish

Cuttlefish are the kings of camouflage and their mating begins when the male delicately grabs the female by her face and inserts another specialized tentacle into an opening near her mouth, which hopefully is not her nose.

Cephalopods, the class of mollusks which scientists classify octopuses, squid, cuttlefish and nautiluses, can change color faster than a chameleon. They can also change texture and body shape, and, and if those camouflage techniques don’t work, they can still “disappear” in a cloud of ink, which they use as a smoke-screen or decoy.

Cephalopods are also fascinating because they have three hearts that pump blue blood and are thought to be the most intelligent of invertebrates.  Dr. Wood, Cephalopod Researcher

Bonobo Ape Starts a Fire with Matches to Roast Marshmallows (Video)

Bonobo Ape Starts a Fire with Matches to Roast Marshmallows (Video) | Third Monk image 2

Kanzi the bonobo lives in America and has learned how to build a fire, light it using matches and toast marshmallows on it. The behavior shows how similar we are to our primate family and is another great example of animal intelligence.

In another clip from BBC’s Monkey Planetwe get a glimpse of what monkeys do for fun:

Dive Bombing Macaques

Rhesus macaques in Jaipur, India, dive bomb off a lamp post into a foot of water to have fun, implying that monkeys can be capable of feelings.



Hilarious Animals in Sweaters (Photo Gallery)

Hilarious Animals in Sweaters (Photo Gallery, Video) | Third Monk image 1

Cute doesn’t begin to describe these animals and their fashionable sweaters.

Purple Horse (via reddit)

purple horse - Animals in Sweaters

Mushroom Cat (via reddit)

mushroom cat - Animals in Sweaters

Straight Chillin’ (via reddit)

Animals in Sweaters - chillin'

Happy Goats (via fiber farm)


Snake in Christmas Sweater (via reddit)


Cold blooded, warm vested


Fine feathered finery, Chicken Sweater (via craftsy)


Lisa Frank Parrot says “Sweater vests totally rule!”


Acrobatic anteaters love a good sweater vest. (via flickr: tamanduagirl)


The Pug Father (via cuddlepugs)


Baby Gibbon or Amish E.T.? (via buzzfeed)


Baby Pig in a Sweater with Socks (via mylifeasmar)


Parrot, Buttons of All Sizes (via george goes green)


Bunny Cowl (via flickr)


One man’s sleeve is another bird’s vest (via flickr)


Santa Gator (via buzzfeed)


Irresistably Cute Cat


Husky Sweater


For more animal in sweater goodness click here!

The Intelligent and Conscious Behavior of Dogs (Video)

The Intelligent and Conscious Behavior of Dogs (Video) | Third Monk image 2


Chimpanzees are our closest relatives but dogs have figured out human behavior better than our primate cousins.

This video gallery shows awesome examples of the communication and emotional intelligence that dogs use to cooperate with a different species.

Empathy Jailbreak

Strange things were happening at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home when dogs were found wondering free in the night. They fitted CCTV and they found the culprit, a dog who just wanted his homies to party with him.

Dog Creates a Game for Himself

Don’t worry guys, the dog has an owner. He wasn’t homeless. This was taken in Kobe, Japan for those wondering. – Ryan Faw

From the Dog’s Perspective

Scientists could soon have the answer to what exactly goes on inside the brain of man’s best friend, with scans to canine brains.

Brain Activity of Dogs

Many dog lovers make all kinds of inferences about how their pets feel about them, but no one has captured images of actual canine thought processes — until now.

Emory University researchers have developed a new methodology to scan the brains of alert dogs and explore the minds of the oldest domesticated species. The technique uses harmless functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), the same tool that is unlocking secrets of the human brain.

Jumpy the Dog

Jesse the Butler Dog

Jesse tackles chores that most humans wouldn’t find enjoyable, complete with his award-winning smile. All taught with positive reinforcement =o) – Just Jesse

Animals Trolling Life, Gif Collection (Gallery)

Animals Trolling Life, Gif Collection (Gallery) | Third Monk image 6

Animals have the mastered the art of trolling, here are some awesome examples showing their mean streak of comedy.

What’d you say to me!?!?!?


All mine suckas!


I’m bored…I’ll push this! Haha….still bored


Lazy Bulldog


Hit the baby and run!


Pimp Dog on a Bicycle


Thanks for bringing this giant toilet, now watch my magic.


Fuck this game.


Penguin Shove


Fish Headbutt to the Nuts


I’m gonna kill you vegetable ball!


Sad Dog Diary (Video)

Sad Dog Diary (Video) | Third Monk image 6

Sad Dog Diary finally answers the question of what dogs write in their diaries. We will never again be left wondering what thoughts lie behind those sad puppy dog eyes.

Enjoy this foray into the uncharted mind of dog, your peace of mind awaits.




