Underground LSD Palace – VICE Documentary (Video)

Underground LSD Palace - VICE Documentary (Video) | Third Monk image 1

VICE correspondent Hamilton Morris is at again. Inbetween floating in sensory deprivation tanks and his fruitful trips through the Amazon to find hallucinogenic frogs, Richard found the time to interview Krystle Cole and her experience in the Underground LSD Palace. 


Former goth stripper Krystle Cole talks about her time spent living in a subterranean missile silo converted into a luxurious LSD manufacturing facility. She spent three years of her life running from the DEA, being held partially against her will and used as a guinea pig for strange new psychedelic chemicals.

Eventually her friends-turned-captors were arrested and Krystle herself barely escaped incarceration. She now makes her living as a writer and host of NeuroSoup, an informative web series on a wide range of psychedelics.

Underground LSD Palace – VICE Documentary



> Todd Skinner’s Underground Palace | VICE

Meditation in a Sensory Deprivation Tank – VICE Documentary (Video)

Meditation in a Sensory Deprivation Tank - VICE Documentary (Video) | Third Monk image 6

Sensory deprivation tanks are a wonderful way to relax and meditate. The best way to eliminate all sensory input is to step inside a sensory deprivation tank.

Floating in a tank allows you to lose all sense of self and merge with the energies of the universe. Take a trip to the center of your inner-verse.

In part 1, we talk to Joe Rogan about what happens to the mind, body, and spirit while inside the tank.

In part 2, VICE Correspondent Hamilton Morris spends five hours inside a tank only to come out with more questions than answers. We head to Isolation Floatation in Colorado to learn more.

In part 3, VICE correspondent Hamilton Morris tests the Rolls Royce of sensory deprivation tanks at Cloud nine Float Center in Boulder, Colorado.


> Tanks for the Memories | VICE

Tripping on Hallucinogenic Frogs – VICE Documentary (Video)

Tripping expert Hamilton Morris is at it again; taking a journey through the Amazon forest in hopes of discovering the psychedelic potential of the Sapo frog. 

In the Amazon rain forest, there lives a very special frog called the Phyllomedusa bicolor, otherwise known as the Sapo. Traditionally, the Mayoruna tribe uses this frog’s gooey secretions to gain superpowers that transform them into killer hunting machines. First they tie the frog up and scare it into releasing its venom (generally via the sophisticated method of poking it with sticks). Next the natives burn little holes in their arms and rub the venom into the wounds. Then they shit and vomit for half an hour, and then they (ostensibly) experience a sharpening and heightening of the senses and an ability to go for days without food or water. This helps them target their prey (which are monkeys, by the way—they eat monkeys).

Sapo Diaries: Tripping on Hallucinogenic Frogs

In part 2, federal agents, monster bugs, and an inept shaman keep getting in the way.

In part 3, a frog is caught, and a mind is blown.

Click here for a written Trip Report of Hamilton’s Amazonian Journey.

Amazon boat water tripping

hallucinegenic frog feature

hamilton morris tripping