A Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting | Third Monk image 3


What is Intermittent Fasting?

Research shows that those who eat less are generally healthier and live longer than those who eat more. Intermittent fasting is based on this principle. Basically, it’s a technique that incorporates a weekly fast into your routine. This method is great because it allows you to reap the benefits of fasting without leaving you feeling weak or deprived.

I can understand that this idea might not sound very appealing, but the fact is there’s ton of health benefits to fasting, and it really isn’t as horrible as it sounds.

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Aside from removing your cravings for sugar and snack foods and turning you into an efficient fat-burning machine, thereby making it far easier to maintain a healthy body weight, modern science has confirmed there are many other good reasons to fast intermittently. For example, research presented at the 2011 annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans showed that fasting triggered a 1,300 percent rise of human growth hormone (HGH) in women, and an astounding 2,000 percent in men.

HGH, human growth hormone, commonly referred to as “the fitness hormone,” plays an important role in maintaining health, fitness and longevity, including promotion of muscle growth, and boosting fat loss by revving up your metabolism. The fact that it helps build muscle while simultaneously promoting fat loss explains why HGH helps you lose weight without sacrificing muscle mass, and why even athletes can benefit from the practice (as long as they don’t overtrain and are careful about their nutrition). The only other thing that can compete in terms of dramatically boosting HGH levels is high-intensity interval training. Other health benefits of intermittent fasting include:

Normalizing your insulin and leptin sensitivity, which is key for optimal health Improving biomarkers of disease
Normalizing ghrelin levels, also known as “the hunger hormone” Reducing inflammation and lessening free radical damage
Lowering triglyceride levels Preserving memory functioning and learning

Source: Mercola

Burning Fat


From a fat-burning perspective, intermittent fasting is a powerful tool. When you’re in a fed state, the body has to produce insulin to keep your blood sugar at a safe level. Insulin’s main job is to shuttle excess glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream over to the muscle, liver or fat cells for storage. But insulin doesn’t only take sugar out of the blood – it also increases fat storage.

Now, if a person were to eat small, infrequent meals every day, this release of insulin would not be a big deal. The problem is many experts have led people to believe that eating five or six meals a day is the only way to eat for weight loss. Now let’s think about this logically for a second. Do you think the best way to lose weight is to cause your body to constantly release a hormone that favors fat storage? I didn’t think so!


Another rumor is that fasting and/or eating infrequent meals every day will slow down your metabolism. This simply isn’t true.

To make this point clear, all you have to do is think back to our primitive ancestors. They rarely (if ever) ate the same amount of food on consecutive days. Their caloric intake was dependent on what was available on that particular day. And they would be forced to fast intermittently because sometimes food was simply unavailable.

Furthermore, evolution takes, minimally, thousands of years, and even though our world has changed drastically, our bodies have not had time to evolve from this primitive lifestyle. As a matter of fact, it has only been within the last 50 to 100 years that our bodies have been exposed to a consistent caloric intake. The truth is, being in a consistently fed state is not natural to the body’s physiology. This is precisely why eating less leads to better health and a longer life.



So, how does intermittent fasting work? There are a lot of different things that happen in the body on a cellular level when you’re in a fasted state, but one I can single out has to do with the length of your telomeres. You can compare telomeres to the plastic casings at the end of a pair of shoelaces. Just as the plastic casings protect the end shoestrings, telomeres protect the ends of your chromosomes. The length of these guys is important. Basically, the shorter your telomeres, the shorter your lifespan.

It just so happens that intermittent fasting is a way to increase the length of your telomeres. Actually, simply eating less can also help your telomeres stay nice and long. Animal studies have shown that animals who ate about 30 percent fewer calories also lived about 30 percent longer than the animals that ate more. So the next time somebody says you should eat five or six meals a day, I suggest you think twice before following their advice.

Blood Sugar Issues


Now some of you might be thinking, “I have issues with my blood sugar, so I can’t fast.”

If you have issues with your blood sugar, you should first work on improving the quality of your foods before introducing fasting. Once you get your blood sugar under control by reducing the amount of refined sugars and processed foods you eat, you can try eating less to see how you feel.

How Long is a Fast?


I want to be clear about what I mean when I say “fast.”

The benefits of fasting come after about 18 hours, but this doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to go without food all day long. To give you an example of what a fast might look like, let’s say you stop eating after dinner at 7 p.m., you go to bed and wake up at 7 a.m. Right there you have already fasted for 12 hours. In this scenario, if you wait to eat your first meal at 1 p.m. you will have successfully completed an 18-hour fast. Not too bad, right?

Intermittent Fasting Calculator – It lets you plan your caloric intake with respect to a certain macro nutrient ratio you want.


> IF | Huffington Post

45 Amazing Uses for Lemons

45 Amazing Uses for Lemons | Third Monk image 1

45 amazing uses for lemons

When life gives you lemons, REJOICE, there are 45 amazing uses for lemons that will have you begging for more lemons from life.

A glass of steeped lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach goes a long way for your body, but today we’re taking the use of lemons to the next level.

45 Amazing uses for Lemons

1. Freshen the Fridge

Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell.

2. High Blood Pressure

Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness.

3. Prevent Cauliflower From Turning Brown

Cauliflower tend to turn brown with even the slightest cooking. You can make sure the white vegetables stay white by squeezing a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice on them before heating.

4. Mental Health

Lemon water can also prep up your mood and relieve you from depression and stress. Long distance walkers and world travelers as well as explorers look upon the lemon as a Godsend. When fatigue begins, a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top. Quick acting medicine it is, giving almost unbelievable refreshments.

5. Refresh Cutting Boards

No wonder your kitchen cutting board smells! After all, you use it to chop onions, crush garlic, and prepare fish. To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.

6. Respiratory Problems

Lemon water can reduce phlegm; and can also help you breathe properly and aids a person suffering with asthma.

7. Treating Arthritis and Rheumatism

Lemon is a diuretic – assists in the production of urine which helps you to reduce inflammation by flushing out toxins and bacteria while also giving you relief from arthritis and rheumatism.

8. Prevents Kidney Stones

Regular consumption of the refreshing drink — or even lemon juice mixed with water — may increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.

9. Keep Insects Out of the Kitchen

You don’t need insecticides or ant traps to ant-proof your kitchen. Just give it the lemon treatment. First squirt some lemon juice on door thresholds and windowsills. Then squeeze lemon juice into any holes or cracks where the ants are getting in. Finally, scatter small slices of lemon peel around the outdoor entrance. The ants will get the message that they aren’t welcome. Lemons are also effective against roaches and fleas: Simply mix the juice of 4 lemons (along with the rinds) with 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water and wash your floors with it; then watch the fleas and roaches flee. They hate the smell.

45 amazing uses for lemons 1

10. Anti-Aging

Lemon water reduces the production of free radicals which are responsible for aging skin and skin damage. Lemon water is calorie free and an antioxidant.

11. Fruit and Vegetable Wash

You never know what kind of pesticides or dirt may be lurking on the skin of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Slice your lemon and squeeze out one tablespoon of lemon juice into your spray bottle. The lemon juice is a natural disinfectant and will leave your fruits and vegetables smelling nice too.

12. Treat Infections

Lemon water can fight throat infections thanks to its antibacterial property. If salt water does not work for you, try lime and water for gargling.

13. Deodorize Your Garbage

If your garbage is beginning to smell yucky, here’s an easy way to deodorize it: Save leftover lemon and orange peels and toss them at the base under the bag. To keep it smelling fresh, repeat once every couple of weeks.

14. Keep Guacamole Green

You’ve been making guacamole all day long for the big party, and you don’t want it to turn brown on top before the guests arrive. The solution: Sprinkle a liberal amount of fresh lemon juice over it and it will stay fresh and green. The flavor of the lemon juice is a natural complement to the avocados in the guacamole. Make the fruit salad hours in advance too. Just squeeze some lemon juice onto the apple slices, and they’ll stay snowy white.

15. Purges The Blood

We consume a lot of junk food or food with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavours. This builds up a lot of toxins in the blood and body but daily consumption of lemon water helps to purify the blood.

16. Make Soggy Lettuce Crisp

Don’t toss that soggy lettuce into the garbage. With the help of a little lemon juice you can toss it in a salad instead. Add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water. Then put the soggy lettuce in it and refrigerate for 1 hour. Make sure to dry the leaves completely before putting them into salads or sandwiches.

17. Oral Health

Lemon juice also stops bleeding gums and reduces toothaches

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18. Lighten Age Spots

Why buy expensive creams when you’ve got lemon juice? To lighten liver spots or freckles, try applying lemon juice directly to the area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin clean. It’s a safe and effective skin-lightening agent.

19. Create Blonde Highlights

For salon-worthy highlights, add 1/4 cup lemon juice to 3/4 cup water and rinse your hair with the mixture. Then, sit in the sun until your hair dries. To maximize the effect, repeat once daily for up to a week.

20. Make a Room Scent/Humidifier

Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days. Make your own room scent that also doubles as a humidifier. If you have a wood-burning stove, place an enameled cast-iron pot or bowl on top, fill with water, and add lemon (and/or orange) peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. No wood-burning stove? Use your stovetop instead and just simmer the water periodically.

21. Clean and Whiten Nails

Pamper your hands without a manicurist. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for 5 minutes. After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

22. Cleanse Your Face

Zap zits naturally by dabbing lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out during the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice for a natural cleanse and exfoliation. Your skin should improve after several days of treatment. Lemon water is also a cooling agent, best way to beat the heat.

23. Freshen Your Breath

Make an impromptu mouthwash by rinsing with lemon juice straight from the bottle. Swallow for longer-lasting fresh breath. The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing bacteria that causes bad breath. Rinse after a few minutes because long-term exposure to the acid in lemons can harm tooth enamel.

24. Treat Flaky Dandruff

If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage two tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir one teaspoon lemon juice into one cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until your dandruff disappears.

25. Get Rid of Tough Stains on Marble

You probably think of marble as stone, but it is really petrified calcium (also known as old seashells). That explains why it is so porous and easily stained and damaged. Those stains can be hard to remove. If washing won’t remove a stubborn stain, try this: Cut a lemon in half, dip the exposed flesh into some table salt, and rub it vigorously on the stain. But do this only as a last resort; acid can damage marble. Rinse well. Use These Lemons To Clean – Easy and Effective

26. Remove Berry Stains

It sure was fun to pick your own berries, but now your fingers are stained with berry juice that won’t come off no matter how much you scrub with soap and water. Try washing your hands with undiluted lemon juice, then wait a few minutes and wash with warm, soapy water. Repeat until your hands are stain-free.

27. Soften Dry, Scaly Elbows

Itchy elbows are bad enough, but they look terrible too. For better looking (and feeling) elbows, mix baking soda and lemon juice to make an abrasive paste, then rub it into your elbows for a soothing, smoothing, and exfoliating treatment. Rinse your extremities in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water, then massage with olive oil and dab dry with a soft cloth.

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28. Headaches

Lemon juice with a few teaspoons of hot tea added is the treatment of a sophisticated New York bartender, for those who suffer with hangover headaches–and from headaches due to many other causes. He converts his customers to this regime, and weans them away from drug remedies completely.

29. Chills and Fevers

Chills and fevers may be due to a variety of causes; never the less the lemon is always a helpful remedy. Spanish physicians regard it as an infallible friend.

30. Diphtheria

Skip the vaccine for this disease. Lemon Juice Treatment still proves as one of the most powerful antiseptics and the strong digestive qualities of the fruit are admired around the world. With the juice every hour or two, and at the same time, 1/2 to 1 tsp. should be swallowed. This cuts loose the false membrane in the throat and permits it to come out.

31. Vaginal Hygiene

Diluted lemon juice makes a safe and sane method of vaginal hygiene. Though it is a powerful antiseptic it is nevertheless free from irritating drugs in douches and suppositories.

32. Forget The Moth Balls

A charming French custom to keep closets free from moths is to take ripe lemons and stick them with cloves all over the skin. The heavily studded lemons slowly dry with their cloves, leaving a marvelous odor throughout the closets and rooms.

33. Stomach Health

Digestive problems are the most common ailments but warm water and lime juice is the solution to most digestive problems. Lemon juice helps to purify the blood, reduces your chances of indigestion, constipation, eliminates toxins from the body, adds digestion and reduces phlegm.

34. Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes

Stop bleeding and disinfect minor cuts and scraps by pouring a few drops of lemon juice directly on the cut. You can also apply the juice with a cotton ball and hold firmly in place for one minute.

35. Soothe Poison Ivy Rash

You won’t need an ocean of calamine lotion the next time poison ivy comes a-creeping. Just apply lemon juice directly to the affected area to soothe itching and alleviate the rash.

36. Remove Warts

You’ve tried countless remedies to banish warts and nothing seems to work. Next time, apply a dab of lemon juice directly to the wart using a cotton swab. Repeat for several days until the acids in the lemon juice dissolve the wart completely.

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37. Bleach Delicate Fabrics

Avoid additional bleach stains by swapping ordinary household chlorine bleach with lemon juice, which is milder but no less effective. Soak your delicates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.

38. Clean Tarnished Brass and Polish Chrome

Say good-bye to tarnish on brass, copper, or stainless steel. Make a paste of lemon juice and salt (or substitute baking soda or cream of tartar for the salt) and coat the affected area. Let it stay on for 5 minutes. Then wash in warm water, rinse, and polish dry. Use the same mixture to clean metal kitchen sinks too. Apply the paste, scrub gently, and rinse. Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome. Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine! Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth.

39. Replace Your Dry Cleaner

Ditch the expensive dry-cleaning bills (and harsh chemicals) with this homegrown trick. Simply scrub the stained area on shirts and blouses with equal parts lemon juice and water. Your “pits” will be good as new, and smell nice too.

40. Boost Laundry Detergent

For more powerful cleaning action, pour 1 cup lemon juice into the washer during the wash cycle. The natural bleaching action of the juice will zap stains and remove rust and mineral discolorations from cotton T-shirts and briefs and will leave your clothes smelling fresh. Your clothes will turn out brighter and also come out smelling lemon-fresh.

41. Rid Clothes of Mildew

Have you ever unpacked clothes you stored all winter and discovered some are stained with mildew? To get rid of it, make a paste of lemon juice and salt and rub it on the affected area, then dry the clothes in sunlight. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.

42. Eliminate Fireplace Odor

There’s nothing cozier on a cold winter night than a warm fire burning in the fireplace — unless the fire happens to smell horrible. Next time you have a fire that sends a stench into the room, try throwing a few lemon peels into the flames. Or simply burn some lemon peels along with your firewood as a preventive measure.

43. Neutralize Cat-Box Odor

You don’t have to use an aerosol spray to neutralize foul-smelling cat-box odors or freshen the air in your bathroom. Just cut a couple of lemons in half. Then place them, cut side up, in a dish in the room, and the air will soon smell lemon-fresh.

44. Deodorize a Humidifier

When your humidifier starts to smell funky, deodorize it with ease: Just pour 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice into the water. It will not only remove the off odor but will replace it with a lemon-fresh fragrance. Repeat every couple of weeks to keep the odor from returning.

45. Reduce Asthma Symptoms

In addition to a general detoxifying diet, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice before each meal, and before retiring can reduce asthma symptoms.

45 amazing uses for lemons 3

* If you do consume lemon peel, stick to organic lemons to reduce your pesticide exposure.

45 Uses for Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off | True Activist

Denmark Moves Toward Circumcision Ban, An Act of Genital Mutilation

Denmark Moves Toward Circumcision Ban, An Act of Genital Mutilation | Third Monk image 1

Denmark may soon be the first country in the world to issue a ban on non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.

In two different statements, Danish doctors express deep concern over ritual circumcision of boys. The Danish Society of Family Physicians, whose 3,000 members include two thirds of all general practitioners in Denmark, announced in December 2013 that circumcision of underage boys with no proper medical indication is nothing short of mutilation.

In a another statement in January 2014, the overarching Danish Medical Association recommended that non-therapeutic male circumcision should wait until the boy or young man is old enough to provide informed consent.

An editorial in Jyllands-Posten, the second largest national newspaper in Denmark, urged the Danish government yesterday to ban ritual circumcision of underage boys, and a result poll among readers of BT, another large national newspaper, showed that 87 percent of well over 26,000 votes were in favour of such a ban.

Religion Fails Again


To most Europeans circumcision is an ethically problematic ritual that is intrinsically harmful to children: every child has the right to protection of his or her bodily integrity and the right to explore and enjoy his or her undiminished sexual capacity later in life.

Jewish scholars like Philo of Alexandria and Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) knew well that reduced penile sensitivity was not an unfortunate side effect of the brit milah; rather it was part of the point: to diminish the animalistic sexuality of men. 

Circumcision ablates the most sensitive part of a boy’s penis and thereby diminishes his sexual sensitivity for the rest of his life. In October 2013, the Nordic Association of Clinical Sexologists stated that the bodily injury associated with circumcision is a violation of the boy’s sexual autonomy.

Damage Without Consent


Today’s and tomorrow’s children should be protected against irreversible and medically unnecessary alterations of their bodies. When they reach the age of maturity (typically 18 years), they can freely choose to undergo any ritual surgery they might want.

Hopefully, 2014 will be the turning year when politicians across Europe will agree with their doctors, sexologists, and human rights advocates that religious arguments must never trump the protection of children’s basic human rights. To cut off functional, healthy parts of other people’s bodies without their explicit and well-informed consent can never be anybody’s right – religious or otherwise.

Circumcision Divide Between Denmark and Israel | Copenhagen Post

Neuroscience of Breathing Techniques – Ted Talk (Video)

Neuroscience of Breathing Techniques - Ted Talk (Video) | Third Monk image 1

Neuroscience of Breathing

Breathing is an action that we are all aware of, but are we taking full advantage of this action?

By taking full advantage of different breathing exercises we can enjoy positive effects in our daily lives.

Alan Watkins’ Ted Talk takes you into the neuroscience of breathing techniques, allowing us a look at breathing through a scientific filter.

Neuroscience of Breathing Techniques

In the second half he talks about how breathing techniques work physiologically. He mentions that there are 12 different ways that the breath can be adjusted, but only talked about the most important three:

Location of the focus during the breath (in the center of the chest)

To remember this, Dr Watkins uses the acronym B.R.E.A.T.H.E:

Through the

Healthy Sleeping Positions (Video)

Healthy Sleeping Positions (Video) | Third Monk image 1

Healthy Sleeping Position

We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping and some of us still don’t have it down.

You would think that something that involves a lot of nothing would come easy but a lot of us have bad sleeping habits that can lead to joint pain, spinal issues and disease.

Sleep is when the body heals and regenerates and even though we may not be actively conscious the brain still sends many signals through the spine to our organs.

Healthy Sleeping Positions

Sleeping Solo

Sleeping With That Special Someone

The key to maintaining a healthy sleeping position, whether you are flying solo or snuggling with a fine dime piece, is a neutral spine.

Live it up, sleep well, dream big; peace.

Best sleeping position - female

33 Healthy Ways to Use Coconut Oil

33 Healthy Ways to Use Coconut Oil  | Third Monk image 6


Scientific research on coconut oil has revealed health benefits that affect your entire body, inside and out.

You’ve heard good things about it and now you have a tub of it sitting in your pantry. So how do you use coconut oil?

Cooking and Eating


1) Cooking at High Heat – Some oils are unsafe to cook with at high temperatures, coconut oil is a great alternative.

2) Eat it by the Spoonful – Coconut oil is that delicious and healthful. Enjoy one spoonful each morning.

3) Smoothies – Add one tablespoon of coconut oil into your favorite smoothie recipe and increase your energy with the oil’s MCTs.

4) Replace Vegetable Oil for Baking – Next time you make your favorite brownie recipe, replace the vegetable oil with coconut oil. Your friends will be begging you for the recipe.

5) Pan Frying – Next time you fry up a batch of sweet potato fries or a piece of chicken, use coconut oil.

6) Coconut Oil Coffee – Adding a spoonful to your coffee is a delicious way to start your day with a huge energy boost! Here is a great recipe for coconut oil coffee.

7) Homemade Granola – Check out this delicious recipe for coconut granola.

8) A Spoonful in Tea – Allow some coconut oil to melt and mildly flavor your next cup of tea.

9) Salad Dressings – A simple recipe for a salad dressing with coconut oil can be found here.

Coconut Oil Skin Care


10) Cheekbone Highlighter – Apply a small amount on cheekbones over makeup.

11) Shaving Lotion – Close shave and a moisturizer at the same time.

12) Facial Scrub – Combine coconut oil with Himalayan crystal salt and apply to face each night. Washing it off is optional.

13) Body Scrub – Combine coconut oil and sugar. Check out this DIY Sugar Scrub recipe.

14) Makeup Remover – Healthier, stronger and longer eye lashes are just a bonus!

15) Homemade Deodorant – You only need a few ingredients in addition to coconut oil to make this simple deodorant recipe.

16) Homemade Lip Balm or Lip Gloss – Apply directly or create a flavored version with this simple lip balm recipe.

17) Sexual Lubricant – We swear by this one 😉

18) Massage Oil – Coconut oil is the perfect choice for a massage oil. Not too greasy and with a relaxing scent.

19) Body and Facial Moisturizer – Apply directly after showering.

20) Sunburn Care – A great moisturizer to use after you’ve gotten a bit too much sun.

21) Dry Feet Treatment – Mix with salt to form a foot scrub.

22) Elbow Rub – Helps manage the dry skin on your elbows.

Coconut Oil Hair Care

23) Leave-in Overnight Conditioner – Looking for a deep conditioning hair treatment? Rub a small amount of oil into hair (mostly at ends), comb through and put hair in a loose bun before bed, and wash out in the morning.

24) Defrizzer of Split Ends – Just put a tiny amount on your hands and run them through the frizzy areas.

25) Static Reducer – Rub your hands together with a little bit of coconut oil on them and run them through your static-y hair.

Other Healthy Uses for Coconut Oil


26) Homemade Toothpaste – Combine equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Sweeten with stevia and flavor with your favorite essential oil.

27) Aromatherapy – Whether you like coconut or not, the soothing aroma of coconut oil is pleasing to us all and can help us wind down after a long, stressful day.

28) Wound Care – Although you may not be ready to give up your Neosporin, coconut oil can even be used as a topical protector for wounds, shielding them with a thin chemical layer from outside contaminants. You can apply a small amount of coconut oil to small scrapes and cuts.

29) Metabolism Booster – 2 tablespoons per day are proven to rev up your metabolism.

30) Thyroid Supporter – Regular coconut oil consumption has been shown to support healthy thyroid function.

31) Energizer – 1 teaspoon can give you a burst of energy instead of turning towards a caffeinated energy drink.

Coconut Oil for Animals


32) Feed it to your Dog or Cat – Coconut oil isn’t just healthy for humans. Here is some good info on the benefits for dogs and cats.

33) Put It On Your Cat’s Paw – Put half a teaspoon on your kitty’s paw to keep a shiny coat and cut down on hairballs.

Chia Fresca: The All Natural Revitalizing Energy Drink (Recipe)

Chia Fresca: The All Natural Revitalizing Energy Drink (Recipe) | Third Monk image 2

172413_Green Bags_KDM_

Chia Fresca (or iskiate as it is known in Central America) is an all natural revitalizing energy drink whose effects last all day, yet only takes seconds to prepare.

How Do I Make It?

Luckily, Chia Fresca requires few ingredients and is super simple to prepare.

Yield: 2 cups


  • 2 cups water or coconut water
  • 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice, or to taste
  • Sweetener, to taste (1/2 tbsp maple syrup is good)


1. Add the chia and water into a jar or glass and stir well. Let sit for 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to swell up. I like to use a jar with a lid so I can shake it up really well and break up the chia clumps.

2. Add lime or lemon juice and sweetener to taste. Stir well and enjoy!

For nutritional info, click here.


It Looks Weird! Do I Have to?

Great Question! Here are a heap of reasons to make Chia seeds part of your routine:

1. Chia seeds are gluten free.

2. They are high in dietary fiber, making it great for digestion.

3. They contain 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia seeds have eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!

4. They boast 20% protein. The protein is a complete protein with all 8 essential amino acids.

5. They are high in antioxidants.

6. Chia seeds contain five times more calcium than milk.

7. They contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges.

8. Chia seeds contain three times more iron than spinach.

9. They contain twice the potassium content of a banana.

10. They have a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels (making it awesome for diabetics).

*Nutritionists recommend that 15g/0.53oz (one tablespoon) of Chia consumption each day. Make sure to drink plenty of water, as Chia is high in fiber.



> A Natural Energy Drink | Oh She Glows

> Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds | The Wellness Warrior

Visual Workout Guides for Full Bodyweight, No Equipment Training

Visual Workout Guides for Full Bodyweight, No Equipment Training | Third Monk image 6

Use these easy to follow, no equipment visual workout guides to keep your mind and body healthy. Each training guide has recommended reps for all fitness levels, challenge yourself to a personal best.

Abs of Steel


What it works: lower abs, upper abs, side abs, abs, abs, abs all the way.

Tip: Always exhale when you perform any exercise that tenses the abs. This flattens your lower stomach and brings the abdominal muscles into proper alignment, increases the pull exerted on them and strengthens them faster.

Beach Workout


What it works: Aerobic system, cardiovascular system, quads, calves, chest, triceps, shoulders, back, biceps, lower abs, abs, lower back.

Tip: Sand can sap as much as 60% of your strength and water adds up to 40% more drag on every movement. Running on sand on the beach and in water can work either your cardiovascular system or your aerobic one, depending on the intensity of the exercise. If you want to challenge yourself, up the intensity level and feel the extra burn.

Wake Up Workout


What it works: Cardiovascular system, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, lower abs, core, quads.

Tip: This is a fast, light workout designed to help you get your body going in the morning. Take deep, even breaths, throughout to help you start the day with an inner glow.

Dynamic Pyramid Workout


What it works: Cardiovascular system, anaerobic system, aerobic system, quads, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, abs, lower abs.

Tip: The trick to getting the maximum benefits here is to start off at the same intensity (about 75% of what you can normally do) and maintain it. That way you do not fall into the trap of burning high on the lower reps and fizzing out on the higher ones and you benefit from the ramping up and lowering of the pyramid system.

Bruce Lee Workout


Bruce Lee perfected his abs through an intensive, daily routine that worked them to the max. He believed that a strong set of abdominal muscles changed all the power the body could output in every movement and it appears, he was right.

What it works:Upper abs, lateral abs, lower abs, core, quads.

Tip: Bruce Lee was renowned for his explosive martial arts moves. Aim, here, to do every exercise as fast as you can, upping your personal intensity level, exhaling fast and hard at the point of maximum muscle tension.

Stay Awake Workout


If you need to work late and stay focused exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind awake. Try this workout if you want to give yourself that extra boost every extra hour of staying up late or during a particular challenging day when you need to fire on all cylinders.

Tip: Keep room temperature low, the more comfortable you are the easier it’ll be for your body to relax and snooze. Wash your face with cold water every so often.

Daily Burn Workout


What it works: Calves, triceps, lateral abs, quads, lower abs, front hip flexors, core

Abs On Fire Workout


What it works: Upper, lower and lateral abs.

Tip: Every time you tense the abdominal muscle wall exhale. This flattens your lower stomach and brings the abdominal muscles into proper alignment, increases the pull exerted on them and sculpts them faster. One thing to remember, if you’re new to all this, your abs will need to get a little bit stronger before you can start feeling that burn. So, persevere and it will happen.

Leg Day Workout


Legs are what you need to use when you want to run (from zombies, werewolves and vampires, for example) and they’re also kinda useful in everyday life because we still walk to get to places. This is a workout to help you make them strong and capable of performing at will.

Max Impact Workout


1 minute round of high intensity exercise going at your 100% and 1 minute rest followed by another round of training and so on until you are out of rounds or passed out on the floor, whichever one comes first.

Each exercise in the workout has a target number of reps (optional sub quest).

Core Fusion Workout


What it works:Cardiovascular system, aerobic system, quads, chest, triceps, biceps, glutes, lower abs, upper abs.

Tip: Never stop. Simply go from one exercise into the next allowing the change of activity to ‘rest’ the muscles on the go.

Office Workout


Just because you’re at the office does not mean you can’t workout. This is the kind of exercise routine that can be carried out anywhere you have a little space and some privacy.

What it works: Lower abs, core stability, calves, triceps, abs, quads, glutes, lower back.

Tip: None of this need be done fast. You are, after all, at the office. But do them in a focused way and they help you work out every single muscle group of your body.

Total Abs Workout


What it works:Upper abs, lower abs, lateral abs, core.

Tip: To get the most out of each exercise, whenever you do any ab rep pull your lower stomach in, flattening the muscles. This changes their alignment and makes them work harder on each rep and they get stronger, faster.

Want more visual workout guides? Neila Rey has a new one posted weekly.

How Cannabis Can Benefit Athletic Performance and Recovery

How Cannabis Can Benefit Athletic Performance and Recovery | Third Monk image 1


Many world-class athletes have been penalized for smoking cannabis, but science suggests it could be the smarter choice.

At the start of 2014, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced that he might be open to allowing injured players to use medical marijuana in states where it is legal.

A number of top athletes in the NFL, along with various other sports leagues, have been known to enjoy cannabis. And there are many good reasons why athletes should be allowed to use the substance without fear of consequences.

It’s a Safer Way of Managing Pain

Marijuana’s potential to relieve pain has been noted by many players in the NFL, and was also acknowledged by their commissioner.

As former Denver Broncos player Nate Jackson explained to The Denver Post,

NFL players live in a great deal of pain on a daily basis, and marijuana helps with that.

Teams pass out opioid painkillers, which are highly addictive. And that can affect a player long after they are done playing.

Marijuana doesn’t have those types of effects.

It Doesn’t Harm Lung Function


One might wonder why athletes would be okay with smoking cannabis, considering the importance of lung health in professional sports.

But the largest study ever to investigate this effect, published in 2012, helps to explain why.

The 20-year-long study, which involved over 5,000 adults, concluded that regular marijuana smoking (a joint a day for 7 years or a joint a week for 20 years) had no negative impact on lung function.

It May Even Improve Lung Function

On the contrary, the study found evidence of slight improvements in lung capacity for those who smoked cannabis.

The researchers suggest that the traditional method of smoking cannabis, which involves deep inhales, could actually contribute to better lung function over time.

Unlike Alcohol, It Doesn’t Cause Hangovers or Bodily Harm

Banning athletes from using cannabis forces many to turn to alcohol instead, which poses a number of disadvantages.

As former Seattle Seahawks player John Moffitt recently explained:

If you’re an athlete and you’re drinking (alcohol), you’re deteriorating your body far more than if you’re an athlete and you’re using marijuana.

It Aids Recovery and Performance


There are many other reasons why cannabis is so popular among athletes. In fact, some researchers argue that it should remain banned as a performance enhancing drug, due to its long list of benefits.

Writing in Frontiers in Psychiatry, a pair of neuroscientists from Brazil’s University of Sao Paulo provided this summary:

Cannabis smoking can be helpful for some activities such as extreme sports, as it improves muscle relaxation, reduces anxiety, and extincts fear memories (e.g., negative experiences) leading to enhanced performance.

It is also worthwhile to note that cannabis smoking improves sleep time and recovery, which may favor performance when an athlete is facing multiple competitions in a short period of time.

The debate on cannabis as a banned substance has led to recent changes in Olympic drug testing rules as well.

Top 5 Reasons Why Athletes Prefer Marijuana | Leaf Science

Essential Oils – Basic Usage and Benefits (Guide)

Essential Oils - Basic Usage and Benefits (Guide) | Third Monk image 1

Essential Oil

The many uses and benefits of essential oils range from skin care, muscle relaxant, aromatherapy, first aid and stress relief.

Let’s take a moment to acquaint ourselves with the basic knowledge and uses of essential oils.

Essential Oils: The Basics

Essential oils are not really oils. They do not contain the fatty acids that constitute what we would consider an actual oil.

Most essential oils are high in antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties: This makes them an excellent addition to your homemade cleaning preparations. Oils that are best for cleaning are: Lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender, and rosemary.

Essential oils are minuscule in molecular size, which means they are absorbed well by the skin – making them perfect ingredients in personal care items intended to heal, soften, and nourish. However, they do not accumulate in the body over time – they simply offer up their healing properties and then pass on through.

Scientific studies have shown that rosemary essential oil helps your brain perform. Specifically, smelling rosemary essential oil helps memory recall and performance on tests. Interestingly, this study also showed that groups that inhaled either rosemary or lavender essential oil felt much more relaxed than those who inhaled no odor at all.

Essential Oils UsesFragrance oils and essential oils are NOT the same thing. As a rule of thumb, if you see the word “fragrance” or “fragrance oil” or even “perfume” on anything, you can assume this is synthetic and NOT natural. (Even if it says natural fragrance.)

Essential oils are wholly natural and cannot be patented; which means that you’ll never see an essential oil in a pharmaceutical drug. Because essential oils cannot be patented, drug companies will not waste money studying them. This limits our scientific knowledge of essential oils greatly, and the majority of what we know about them are things that have been passed down through thousands of years of personal use and experimentation.

Most essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. Instead, they should be combined with “real” oils (called carrier oils), waxes, butters, alcohols, or other diluting measures. If you don’t dilute, you may end up with an unfortunate reaction (and unhappy skin).

There are a few essential oils that are generally recognized as safe to use undiluted. The only essential oils that are widely acknowledged as safe to use undiluted (sparingly) are: lavender, German chamomile, tea tree, sandalwood, and rose geranium.

Never use an undiluted essential oil on a baby or child. Children have much thinner, more delicate skin than adults have, and tend to be very sensitive to the potency of essential oils. In fact, even if you do use essential oil in a recipe for children, only use half of the essential oil recommended in the recipe.

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)*

Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica)**

Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lemon (Citrus limon)*

Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)*

Marjoram (Origanum majorana)

Melaleuca-Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Orange (Citrus aurantium)*

Rose Otto (Rosa damascena)

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)**

Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Thyme (Thumus vulgaris CT linalol)

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

*These oils are photosensative; always dilute. To prevent a rash or pigmentation of the skin, do not use citrus oils when exposed to direct sunlight.

**These oils should never be used undiluted on babies and children.

Essential Oil Uses

Almond – bitter -Toxic

Aniseed – Anethole rich

Angelica – Emmenagogue

Basil – Possible irritant

Birch – Possible irritant

Black pepper – Skin sensitization

Boldo leaf – Toxic

Buchu – Liver hazardous

Calamus – Toxic

Camphor – Toxic

Cassia – Skin sensitization

Cedarwood – Emmenagogue

Chamomile – Emmenagogue

Cinnamon – Skin sensitization and emmenagogue

Clary sage – Emmenagogue

Clove – Skin sensitization

Elecampane – Skin sensitization

Fennel – Anethole rich

Fir – Possible irritant

Ginger – Emmenagogue

Horseradish – Toxic

Hyssop – Could cause toxicity

Jaborandi leaf – Toxic

Jasmine – Emmenagogue

Juniper – Emmenagogue

Lemon -Possible irritant

Lemongrass – Possible irritant

Marjoram – Emmenagogue

Melissa – Possible irritant

Mugwort – Toxic

Mustard – Toxic

Myrrh – Emmenagogue

Nightshade – Toxic

Nutmeg – Skin sensitization

Oregano – Skin sensitization

Parsley seed – Apiol rich

Pennyroyal – Toxic

Peppermint – Emmenagogue

Pine – Skin sensitization

Rose – Emmenagogue

Rosemary – Emmenagogue

Rue – Toxic

Sage – High thujone content

Sassafras – Toxic

Savin – Toxic

Savory – Could cause toxicity

Southernwood – Toxic

Stinging nettle – Toxic

Tansy – Toxic

Thuja – Toxic

Thyme both Red and Linalol) – Possible irritant

Wintergreen – Toxic

Wormseed – Toxic

Wormwood – Toxic.

 (and skip Essential Oils completely in your first trimester):

To test if you’re sensitive to an essential oil combine one drop of essential oil with 1/2 tsp carrier oil (like olive, jojoba, or sweet almond). Rub this on the inside, upper portion of your arm and wait a few hours. If no redness or itching develops, you’re most likely not sensitive to that essential oil.

Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children – and avoid contact with your eyes. This is just standard safety precautions, but must be mentioned.

Do not take essential oils internally, especially oils like wintergreen and eucalyptus. While some essential oils may be used well-diluted in something like toothpaste with safety, it’s generally recognized that there’s no need to take essential oils internally. In fact, there are several toxic essential oils that should be avoided even through skin contact. Luckily, these are NOT common essential oils, and most of them you’ll never find in the store.

To test your essential oil to see how “pure” it is, put a single drop of it on a piece of construction paper. If it evaporates quickly and leaves no noticeable ring, it is pure. If you have a ring left, then it is likely diluted by the manufacturer with an oil of some sort (this test will not work for myrrh, patchouli, and absolutes).

Essential oils will last for at least 5 years (if not 10), so one bottle could literally last you a decade. The only exception to this rule is citrus oils, which will see a reduction in potency after a year or two.

Store your essential oils in dark glass bottles out of direct sunlight. This is simply to help preserve their potency.

Remember that what you’re allergic to in food, you will be allergic to in essential oils. So if, for some reason, you can’t eat sage without breaking out in a rash, steer clear of sage essential oil (or any product containing it).

Use essential oils to help your mood. Lavender, peppermint, grapefruit, chamomile, lemon, ylang-ylang all help produce happy, joyous moods. Clary sage helps with PMS (although there have been reports that overuse of clary sage can lead to intoxication). Rosemary increases focus and concentration.


21 Things You Should Know About Essential Oils | Crunchy Betty

Holistic Pain Remedies – Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Holistic Pain Remedies - Let Food Be Thy Medicine | Third Monk image 23


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

Balanced nutrition with the cornerstones of water, fruits and vegetables have shown to promote health and well being.

On that same tip, many foods also have curative properties for common aches, pains and discomfort. These holistic pain remedies are simple to use and effective enough to be mentioned in an era when technology is accelerating at an exponential pace. 

Holistic Pain Remedies

Water Flushes Out Pain Inducing Histamine From The Body

Holistic Pain Remedies - Water

Whether it’s your feet, your knees or your shoulders that are throbbing, experts at New York’s Manhattan College, say you could kick-start your recovery in one week just by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.

Experts say water dilutes and flushes out histamine, a pain-triggering compound produced by injured tissues.

“Plus water is a key building block of the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones, your joints’ lubricating fluid, and the soft discs in your spine,” adds Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., author of the book, The Good Mood Diet. “

And when these tissues are well-hydrated, they can move and glide over each other without causing pain.

Ginger for Muscle Pain

Holistic Pain Remedies - ginger

When Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to 63 percent of them within two months.

Experts credit ginger’s potent compounds called gingerols, which prevent the production of pain-triggering hormones. The study-recommended dose: Add at least 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger to meals daily.

Peppermint Oil Baths for Muscle Pain

Holistic Pain Remedies - Peppermint Oil

Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice:

Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil.

The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves — a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.

Tame Chronic Pain With Turmeric

Holistic Pain Remedies - Turmeric

Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers.

That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes.

The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.

Grapes For Your Back Ache

Holistic Pain Remedies - Grapes

Recent studies at Ohio State University suggest eating a heaping cup of grapes daily can relax tight blood vessels, significantly improving blood flow to damaged back tissues (and often within three hours of enjoying the first bowl).

That’s great news because your back’s vertebrae and shock-absorbing discs are completely dependent on nearby blood vessels to bring them healing nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is essential for healing damaged back tissue, says Stengler.

Cloves for Toothaches

Holistic Pain Remedies - Cloves

Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic.

Bonus: Sprinkling a ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.

Erase Earaches With Garlic

Holistic Pain Remedies - Garlic

Place two drops of warm garlic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days. This simple treatment can clear up ear infections faster than prescription meds, say experts at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine.

Scientists say garlic’s active ingredients (germanium, selenium, and sulfur compounds) are naturally toxic to dozens of different pain-causing bacteria.

To whip up your own garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then refrigerate for up to two weeks, suggests Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., co-author of the book, Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy.

For an optimal experience, warm this mix slightly before using so the liquid will feel soothing in your ear canal.

Ease Joint and Headache Pain With Cherries

Heart-shaped sweet cherry

A daily bowl of cherries could ease your joint and headaches, without the stomach upset so often triggered by today’s painkillers, say researchers at East Lansing’s Michigan State University.

Their research reveals that anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red color, have anti-inflammatory effects 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin.

“Anthocyanins help shut down the powerful enzymes that kick-start tissue inflammation, so they can prevent, as well as treat, many different kinds of pain,” explains Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., professor of food science at Michigan State University.

His advice: Enjoy 20 cherries (fresh, frozen or dried) daily, then continue until your pain disappears.

Heal heartburn with Cider Vinegar

Holistic Pain Remedies - Apple Cider Vinegar

Sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water before every meal, and experts say you could shut down painful bouts of heartburn in as little as 24 hours.

“Cider vinegar is rich in malic and tartaric acids, powerful digestive aids that speed the breakdown of fats and proteins so your stomach can empty quickly, before food washes up into the esophagus, triggering heartburn pain,” explains Joseph Brasco, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Center for Colon and Digestive Diseases in Huntsville, AL.

Impede the Progress of IBS and Indigestion With Fish

Holistic Pain Remedies - Salmon

Indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases…if your belly always seems to be in an uproar, try munching 18 ounces of fish weekly to ease your bowels.

Repeated studies show that the fatty acids in fish, called EPA and DHA, can significantly reduce intestinal inflammation, cramping and belly pain and, in some cases, provide as much relief as corticosteroids and other prescription meds.

“EPA and DHA are powerful, natural, side effect-free anti-inflammatory, that can dramatically improve the function of the entire gastrointestinal tract,” explains biological chemist Barry Sears, Ph.D., president of the Inflammation Research Foundation in Marblehead, MA.

For best results, look for oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring.

Pineapple Prevents Digestive Woes

Holistic Pain Remedies - Pineapple

One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California’s Stanford University.

That’s because pineapple is naturally packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.

Salt for Ingrown Toe Nails and Foot Pain

Holistic Pain Remedies - Salt

Regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California’s Stanford University.

The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain.

Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.

Horseradish for Sinus Problems

Holistic Pain Remedies - Horseradish

According to German researchers, this eye-watering condiment naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do.

The study-recommended dose: One teaspoon twice daily (either on its own, or used as a sandwich or meat topping) until symptoms clear.

Beat Bladder Infections With Blueberries

Holistic Pain Remedies - Blueberries

Eating 1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by 60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University.

That’s because blueberries are loaded with tannin, plant compounds that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a scientist at Rutgers University.

Honey Heals and Soothes Mouth Sores

Holistic Pain Remedies - Honey

Dab painful canker and cold sores with unpasteurized honey four times daily until these skin woes disappear, and they’ll heal 43 percent faster than if you use a prescription cream, say researchers at the Dubai Specialized Medical Center in the United Arab Emirates.

Raw honey’s natural enzymes zap inflammation, destroy invading viruses and speed the healing of damaged tissues, say the study authors.

Tomato Juice For Leg Cramps

Holistic Pain Remedies - Tomato Juice

Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise can lead to leg cramps.

Sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you’ll not only speed your recovery, you’ll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.

End Endometrial Pain with Oats

Holistic Pain Remedies - Oats

The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal.

Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long.

Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months.

That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University.

Flax For Breast Pain

Holistic Pain Remedies - Flax

In one recent study, adding 3 tablespoons of ground flax to their daily diet eased breast soreness for one in three women within 12 weeks.

Scientists credit flax’s phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds that prevent the estrogen spikes that can trigger breast pain.

More good news: You don’t have to be a master baker to sneak this healthy seed into your diet. Just sprinkle ground flax on oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce or add it to smoothies and veggie dips.

If you have a couple of home remedies or holistic approaches to add to this list, feel free to do so in the comments. The feedback is greatly appreciated.

20 Pain Cures You Can Find In Your Kitchen | I Village