The Tesla Archives: Every Single Article Written by Nikola Tesla

The Tesla Archives: Every Single Article Written by Nikola Tesla  | Third Monk image 2


This downloadable PDF claims to house all of Nikola Tesla’s articles from his time. Although impossible to verify, it houses a wealth of information about the man’s work.

Compiled over the course of months by devoted researcher Derek Worthington and made available to all for free.

Direct Link Option: Follow the link, then click on the PDF download button.

Torrent Option 


> The Tesla Archives | Aether Force

The Science and Politics of Mind Altering Drugs

The Science and Politics of Mind Altering Drugs | Third Monk image 1


British psychiatrist David Nutt specializes in neuropsychopharmacology, the research of mind-altering drugs. In his interview with The Guardian’s Science Weekly Podcast, he discusses the science and politics of mind-altering substances. The neuroscience blog MindHacks refers to it as “essential listening” and…

Possibly one of the most sensible discussions of drugs and drug harms you are likely to hear in a long time.

Prof. Nutt is quite well-known in the UK – largely due to being fired by the Government from their drugs advisory panel for pointing out in a scientific paper that the health risks of taking ecstasy are about equivalent to going horse riding.

Rather than doing the usual dishonest apology required of government advisors where they ask forgiveness for ‘unintentionally misleading the public’ away from a convenient collective illusion, he decided to take the government to task about their disingenuous drug policy.

He is now a straight-talking, evidence-based, pain-in-the-arse to the government who doggedly stick to the ‘war on drugs’ rhetoric that not even they believe any more.

In the interview the discussion ranges from how psychedelics affect the brain to the scientific basis (or lack thereof) of drug policy. He also claims that ecstasy and LSD are less dangerous than alcohol, proposes research into the potential use of MDMA to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, and how he founded the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs.

Give it a listen.


The Science and Politics of Psychedelic Drugs | Dis Info

An Introduction to Cannabis Edibles (Guide)

An Introduction to Cannabis Edibles (Guide) | Third Monk image 3


With all the options available to medical marijuana patients today, many are choosing to explore methods of medicating beyond the traditional pipe or paper.

Edibles Provide a Safer Alternative to Smoking

Ridgemont High - Edibles

Many patients believe that ingesting their cannabis is a healthier alternative to inhaling it because there is no exposure to carbon-rich smoke.

Some patients, such as those on supplemental oxygen, turn to edibles when smoking is no longer an option. For patients with eating and digestive disorders, edibles are not only a great source of nausea-reducing CBD, but also a vital source of nutrients and calories. The same is true for cancer patients suffering from nausea caused by their treatments, and expecting mothers dealing with hyperemesis (morning sickness).

A few patients choose edibles because they are a more discreet way to medicate, while others simply prefer the effects of ingesting cannabis to the effects of smoking.

What Conditions are Edibles Recommended For


The cooking process, as well as the high levels of THC found in edibles, work together to create the perfect treatment for many disorders.

  • Chronic pain
  • Muscle inflammation and spasms
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea

While anyone can enjoy the benefits of edibles, patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that affects as many as 700,000 Americans, find this method of medicating extremely beneficial. Because Crohn’s Disease occurs in the GI tract, edibles distribute useful active and inactive cannabinoids at the root of the problem, instead of having to rely on the bloodstream to carry them from the lungs.

Does Ingesting Cannabis Affect You Differently Than Smoking?

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Yes, without a doubt. However, exactly what effect edibles will have on you depends on several factors: the type and potency of the edibles you are using, your tolerance, your body chemistry, and even how much you’ve had to eat. Because the effects of eating an edible differ greatly from the effects of smoking, many first time users are caught off guard by the stronger potency and long-lasting effects.

Despite CBD’s anxiety relieving properties, many people experience a heightened sense of anxiety and paranoia when they initially ingest an edible.

When you smoke marijuana you only receive a small amount of the cannabinoids in each hit, although it’s felt instantly. Where as, edibles tend to hit you much more slowly. This allows the cannabinoids to be released in waves, as they are processed by the stomach and digested.

Two Different Types of Edibles


Though there are untold varieties of edibles available on the market today, they can all be split into three basic categories: those geared towards gastrointestinal uptake (digested through stomach), those geared towards oral uptake (through saliva), and a few that fit into a hybrid category that targets both.

The most common edibles are geared towards gastrointestinal absorption. Any edible where the cannabinoids are absorbed through the stomach, like a brownie, cookie, cashew bar, or crepe falls into this category. These edibles tend to take longer to activate within the body (sometimes as long as two hours), but produce a longer-lasting effect (up to eight hours of relief).


On the flipside, edibles geared towards oral uptake can affect a patient almost immediately, but tend to wear off faster (within two to three hours). Edibles that you hold in your mouth for an extended period of time like suckers, lozenges, or tincture, fall into this category.

Some items, such as drinks and chocolates fall into a hybrid category, because they are designed to be absorbed in both the mouth and the stomach. These edibles are a middle ground between oral and intestinal absorption, offering fast-acting relief (patients usually feel this type of edible within a half hour) that can last for four hours or more.

> What You Should Know About Ingesting Cannabis | Medical Jane

Properly Attune Your Body & Mind Before Using Psychedelic Plant Medicines

Properly Attune Your Body & Mind Before Using Psychedelic Plant Medicines | Third Monk image 1

Before incorporating the knowledge of advanced plant medicines, properly attuning one’s body and mind through diet and exercise is essential.

What goes into the body determines what the body will be composed of physically, mentally, and spiritually. The vessel must be adequately equipped to handle whatever may occur while in the spiritual realms. Body and mind exist in a symbiotic relationship, where the effects on one reflects on the other. Depending on which plant medicine you use, the intensity and length of body preparation varies accordingly.

Click here for our article on Shroom Consumption.



Many traditional diets share common similarities, but each initiate will know what they need to abstain from to gain the greatest knowledge possible from the experience.

Common themes include abstinence from alcohol, sugar, salt, oils, meat and certain spices. Consumption of raw foods is also highly recommended as processing diminishes the nutritional content of the food. It is also common in some locales for initiates of ayahuasca to stop sexual thoughts and activities during the course of the diet and experience. There are reasons for this abstinence that are highlighted in greater detail here. For plant teachers such as Peyote and Psilocybin, a similar diet should be applied.


Exercises Before Consumption

A short fast before engaging in any plant medicine is recommended, aim for anywhere from 8-24 hours. Attempting to digest a plant teacher with other foods in the stomach can cause the initiate to undergo physical stress.

It is recommended that initiates disengage from the integration of meat and animal products into their bodies for weeks before, during and after the spiritual journey. It is also recommended that initiates let go of whatever it is they may be struggling with in their lives.

Temporary separation from those attachments which we feel we cannot live without will serve to enlighten us. If one struggles with addictive behavior, one should surrender that behavior before encountering the plant medicine if they wish to maximize their knowledge from the plant.

Anything one can do to purify and cleanse both thoughts and action – before and after the experience – will serve to increase penetration and understanding.

Psychedelic Spirituality Podcast – Proper Diet and Exercise for Spiritual Experience

With Kundalini Yoga Teacher Mehtab Benton

> Ways to Spiritually Cleanse Before Using | Time Wheel Net

5 Great Books Under 200 Pages (Quick Reads)

5 Great Books Under 200 Pages (Quick Reads) | Third Monk image 4


Still trying to finish that old copy of Lord of the Rings you found wedged beneath the stairs? Who could have known it was keeping up the entire house? Eh, c’est la vie, this too shall pass (or shan’t in the case of Durin’s Bane – don’t worry you’ll get there).

Take your mind off your troubles with any one of these five short novels (alright, alright… a few are novellas), and don’t worry, they’re all a quick read (unlike this introduction).

Find them at your local library (they still exist), or your local book store (read: amazon).

I’ve added the audiobook versions and PDF’s where I could.


hermann Hesse Siddhartha- great book

Siddhartha is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha.

It’s a wonderful short read for anyone in need of a little perspective – don’t worry it’s not too much perspective.

Siddhartha PDF

Siddhartha – Herman Hesse (Audiobook)

01 THE SON OF THE BRAHMAN – 00:20:59
02 WITH THE SAMANAS – 00:27:05
03 GOTAMA – 00:23:54
04 AWAKENING – 00:12:24
05 KAMALA – 00:36:32
07 SANSARA – 00:24:57
08 BY THE RIVER – 00:30:52
09 THE FERRYMAN – 00:35:07
10 THE SON – 00:24:27
11 OM – 00:18:30
12 GOVINDA – 00:29:07


Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects, The Little Prince is a literary masterpiece.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery wrote the short novel in the midst of personal upheavals and failing health, it is a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.

The Little Prince PDF

The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery (Audiobook)


The Stranger is a great book by Albert Camus published in 1942. Its theme and outlook are often cited as exemplars of Camus’s philosophy of the absurd and existentialism, though Camus personally rejected the latter label.

The Stranger PDF


An allegorical novel, The Alchemist follows a young Andalusian shepherd named Santiago in his journey to Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding treasure there.

The Alchemist PDF

The Alchemist – Paolo Coehlo (Audiobook)


Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions is an 1884 satirical novella by Edwin A. Abbott. 

Writing pseudonymously as “A Square”, the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to offer pointed observations on the social hierarchy of Victorian culture. However, the novella’s more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions.

Flatland PDF

Flatland – Edwin A. Abbott (Audiobook)

Aldous Huxley on Psychedelics and Creativity (Interview)

Aldous Huxley on Psychedelics and Creativity (Interview) | Third Monk image 1

Huxley_Visionary Huxley on Psychedelics

Aldous Huxley interviewed for The Paris Review (1960), reprinted in Moksha: Aldous Huxley’s Classic Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience, edited by Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer (Park Street Press, 1999)

PDF version of this document

Huxley on Psychedelics and Creativity


Interviewers: Do you see any relation between the creative process and the use of such drugs as lysergic acid [diethylamide]?

Huxley: I don’t think there is any generalization one can make on this. Experience has shown that there’s an enormous variation in the way people respond to lysergic acid. Some people probably could get direct aesthetic inspiration for painting or poetry out of it. Others I don’t think could. For most people it’s an extremely significant experience, and I suppose in an indirect way it could help the creative process. But I don’t think one can sit down and say, “I want to write a magnificent poem, and so I’m going to take lysergic acid [diethylamide].” I don’t think it’s by any means certain that you would get the result you wanted — you might get almost any result.

Interviewers: Would the drug give more help to the lyric poet than the novelist?

Huxley: Well, the poet would certainly get an extraordinary view of life which he wouldn’t have had in any other way, and this might help him a great deal. But you see (and this is the most significant thing about the experience), during the experience you’re really not interested in doing anything practical — even writing lyric poetry. If you were having a love affair with a woman, would you be interested in writing about it? Of course not. And during the experience you’re not particularly in words, because the experience transcends words and is quite inexpressible in terms of words. So the whole notion of conceptualizing what is happening seems very silly. After the event, it seems to me quite possible that it might be of great assistance: people would see the universe around them in a very different way and would be inspired, possibly, to write about it.

Interviewers: But is there much carry-over from the experience?

Huxley: Well, there’s always a complete memory of the experience. You remember something extraordinary having happened. And to some extent you can relive the experience, particularly the transformation of the outside world. You get hints of this, you see the world in this transfigured way now and then — not to the same pitch of intensity, but something of the kind. It does help you to look at the world in a new way. And you come to understand very clearly the way that certain specially gifted people have seen the world. You are actually introduced into the kind of world that Van Gogh lived in, or the kind of world that Blake lived in. You begin to have a direct experience of this kind of world while you’re under the drug, and afterwards you can remember and to some slight extent recapture this kind of world, which certain privileged people have moved in and out of, as Blake obviously did all the time.

Interviewers: But the artist’s talents won’t be any different from what they were before he took the drug?

Huxley: I don’t see why they should be different. Some experiments have been made to see what painters can do under the influence of the drug, but most of the examples I have seen are very uninteresting. You could never hope to reproduce to the full extent the quite incredible intensity of color that you get under the influence of the drug. Most of the things I have seen are just rather tiresome bits of expressionism, which correspond hardly at all, I would think, to the actual experience. Maybe an immensely gifted artist — someone like Odilon Redon (who probably saw the world like this all the time anyhow) — maybe such a man could profit by the lysergic acid [diethylamide] experience, could use his visions as models, could reproduce on canvas the external world as it is transfigured by the drug.

Interviewers: Here this afternoon, as in your book, The Doors of Perception, you’ve been talking chiefly about the visual experience under the drug, and about painting. Is there any similar gain in psychological insight?

Huxley: Yes, I think there is. While one is under the drug one has penetrating insights into the people around one, and also into one’s own life. Many people get tremendous recalls of buried material. A process which may take six years of psychoanalysis happens in an hour — and considerably cheaper! And the experience can be very liberating and widening in other ways. It shows that the world one habitually lives in is merely a creation of this conventional, closely conditioned being which one is, and that there are quite other kinds of worlds outside. It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is. I think it’s healthy that people should have this experience.

> Huxley on LSD and Creativity | MAPS Org

Vinchen: Social Commentary From Ohio’s Best Street Artist (Art Gallery)

Vinchen: Social Commentary From Ohio's Best Street Artist (Art Gallery) | Third Monk image 21

warmthOwners - Vinchen

Vinchen’s street art offers simple insights into supposed complex social issues. It causes us to question the notion of their complexity altogether, leaving you to wonder why we are plagued by social inequities at all.

Asking questions incidently leads to answers, and Vinchen’s street art places the onus back on those looking back. 

Vinchen – Social Commentary Street Art Gallery

notAnotherIpod - Vinchen

newListing - Vinchen

nsfw - Vinchen

marketCorrection - Vinchen



























Don’t Believe in Anybody Else’s BS – Robert Anton Wilson (Video)

Don't Believe in Anybody Else's BS - Robert Anton Wilson (Video) | Third Monk

Robert Anton Wilson shares his view on belief systems and offers us a glimpse into the framework of his own.

A must see for anyone who is having trouble harmonizing their expanding beliefs (many of which may be contradictory).

If one can only see things according to one’s own belief system, one is destined to become virtually deaf, dumb, and blind. – Robert Anton Wilson

Omega Point created this video, his youtube page has a number of similarly themed works, featuring luminaries Alan Watts, Terence Mckenna, & Carl Sagan.

truth lies robert anton wilson

Solar Roadways: A Safer Solar Alternative to our Concrete Jungles (Video)

Solar Roadways: A Safer Solar Alternative to our Concrete Jungles (Video) | Third Monk image 1

Solar Roadways have successfully funded their IndieGogo campaign, raising 2 million dollars for their project. 

LEDs - white Solar Roadway

Solar Roadways Claims

– A Nationwide Solar Roadway System could produce more clean renewable energy than a country uses as a whole

– Heating elements to keep roads snow and ice free

– LEDs to make road lines and signage

– Attached cable corridor to store and treat stormwater & provide a “home” for power and data cables

– Electric Vehicles will be able to charge from parking lots and driveways after roadway is in place, mutual induction technology allowing for charging while driving.

They also claim roads will be smarter and safer as a whole.

Sandpoint Sidewalk - Solar Roadway

Safer Roads with Solar Roadways

It sounds too good to be true, and perhaps it is.

I’m a fan of hearing both sides of a story, and the video below takes a critical view of Solar Roadways and its claims.

Solar Roadways, an Expensive Joke?

I’m not sure if Solar Roadways are the answer to the many questions being asked of humanity, but there are a few things we know for sure.

We need new systems that are stable-state, self-sustaining  and will work in concert with the Earth to sustain and enrich its vast web of life.

It’s not too late, and ideas like this, if not perfect, are at least moving us in the right general direction. 

What do you think?

Downtown Sandpoint 2 - Solar Roadway

An Index of Psychedelic Medicines and the Disorders They Cure (Video)

An Index of Psychedelic Medicines and the Disorders They Cure (Video) | Third Monk

This video produced by highlights how psychedelic medicines are saving lives worldwide.

Numerous studies show these substances are non-neurotoxic, non-addictive and are having profound medicinal effects curing some of the most stubborn mental health disorders by helping people purge bottled up trauma:

MDMA is curing debilitating PTSD in veterans.

Psilocybin, the psychedelic compound in shrooms, is alleviating anxiety and depression.

LSD was used successfully for decades to combat alcohol addictions and anxiety.

Ayahuasca is helping people purge traumatic memories while increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances which made Psychedelics Illegal worldwide…

Study: Alcohol is Most Dangerous drug…

Alternet: The Hardest Drugs to Kick…

Ranking of Drug Harm…

CDC: Tobacco Mortality Rate…

Psychedelics Don’t Cause Mental Health Problems—And They Might Keep You Sane… MDMA PTSD Research:…

Veterans Suicide Data Report:…

Magic Mushroom Toxicity…

Caffeine or cannabis — which drug is more dangerous?…

Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Psilocybin in 9 Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,…

TEDx: Roland Griffiths on Psilocybin…

Magic mushrooms’ psychedelic ingredient could help treat people with severe depression…

“Magic Mushrooms” Show Signs of Helping in Addiction, Cancer Anxiety…

‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term,…

‘Magic Mushroom’ Drug Shows Promise in Treating Addictions and Cancer Anxiety,…

Psilocybin and neurogenesis…

LSD vs. Alcoholism, Neurons to Nirvana

LSD could help alcoholics stop drinking, AA founder believed…

Peyote: Psychological and cognitive effects of long-term peyote use among Native Americans…

DMT The Spirit Molecule Documentary…

Maps Ibogaine Research

A New Ayahuasca Study…

Personality, Psychopathology, Life Attitudes, and Neuropsychological Performance among Ritual Users of Ayahuasca: A Longitudinal Study…

Human Psychopharmacology of Hoasca, A Plant Hallucinogen Used in Ritual Context in Brazil…

Potent Jungle Vine Brew Has Potential to Treat Addiction…

How Psychedelics unlock traumatic memories, Ayahuasca vs. PTSD…

Integrating the Modern Practice of Traditional Ayahuasca Shamanism…

Lost in the Dream

5 Reasons Monsanto Roundup Needs to be Banned Forever

5 Reasons Monsanto Roundup Needs to be Banned Forever | Third Monk image 3


The science is irrefutable on this simple fact: Roundup weedkiller, manufactured by Monsanto, is a deadly chemical poison that persists on – and in – food crops consumed by millions of people.

The many consequences of Roundup’s continued use in commercial agriculture are reason enough to ban the toxic chemical cocktail for the sake of the environment and humanity.

These are strong words, but they are fully substantiated.

Roundup Ready Crops Absorb Glyhposate

Despite industry claims, Roundup does not simply wash off crops after it has been sprayed. A study out of Norway recently found that glyphosate accumulates inside crops at “excessive” levels.

Published in the 2013 June issue of the journal Food Chemistry, the study revealed that, while Roundup Ready crops are capable of resisting glyphosate in order to survive, they also absorb and incorporate it into food.

This means that people who eat GM soy or products derived from it, including soy lecithin and soy protein, are also eating a chemical solution linked to all sorts of health problems.


Exposure to Roundup Doubles Exposure to Lymphoma


The government maintains the same position as Monsanto — that glyphosate is essentially inert and not something to worry about. But a recent review of more than 44 published scientific studies found otherwise, having determined that exposure to glyphosate doubles farmers’ risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The study authors theorize that glyphosate disrupts the normal functioning of white blood cells, throwing your immune system into a sickened, dysfunctional state. – Leah Zerbe, Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen

Roundup so Heavily Used That It’s Being Found in Air & Rainwater

The Rain Room Is Unveiled At The Curve Inside The Barbican Centre

It would be one thing if Roundup were isolated just to crop fields. But scientists are finding that the chemical is now spreading to the air, and even raining down along with precipitation.

This means that glyphosate is now traveling with the wind patterns and raining down on people’s homes and on city parks where children play.

Roundup is Killing Butterflies and Other Pollinators

Even if Roundup really was helping to boost yields and produce more food – as demonstrated here and elsewhere, this is not actually the case — the harm inflicted on butterflies and other pollinators by the GM crop pesticides is simply inexcusable.

Researchers from Iowa State University found that glyphosate use has resulted in an 81 percent reduction in the monarch butterfly population, which relies on milkweed for reproduction and survival.

Like bees, monarch butterflies serve as crop pollinators. Without them, many seed- and fruit-bearing plants would be unable to survive.


Roundup Doesn’t Even Work as Claimed

Perhaps the biggest reason why Roundup deserves to be banned forever is that the weedkiller does not even work. Overuse of Roundup has led to the emergence of highly resistant “superweeds” that no longer respond to chemical treatments and now plague millions of acres of U.S. cropland. Roundup does not even biodegrade as claimed.

Because of this, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is gearing up to approve an even more deadly herbicide made from a component of Agent Orange, the Monsanto biowarfare chemical used during the Vietnam War.


> Five Reasons Round-up Should be Banned | Higher Perspective