Psychedelic Spirit Paintings, Alex Grey Art Gallery

Psychedelic Spirit Paintings, Alex Grey Art Gallery | Third Monk image 15

Alex Grey’s paintings can be described as a blend of sacred, visionary art and psychedelic art.

He is best known for his paintings of glowing anatomical human bodies, images that “x-ray” the multiple layers of reality. His art is a complex integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Origin of Language – Alex Grey


Albert Hoffman, LSD – Alex Grey


Union of Human and Divine Consciousness – Alex Grey


Arist Hand – Alex Grey


Cannabacchus – Alex Grey


Cannabia – Alex Grey


Collective Consciousness – Alex Grey


Cosmic Christ – Alex Grey


Kissing – Alex Grey


DMT – Alex Grey


LSD Bicycle Day – Alex Grey, Mars 1


Ayahuasca – Alex Grey


Gaia – Alex Grey


Exploring Consciousness with Psychedelics – Graham Hancock Ted Talk (Video)

Exploring Consciousness with Psychedelics - Graham Hancock Ted Talk (Video) | Third Monk

Graham Hancock explores the shamanistic use of psychedelics that create a state of being which brings us a greater understanding of our true nature and the nature of consciousness; in order to harmoniously balance our Earthly existence within the universe.

The War on Consciousness – Graham Hancock Notable Excerpts

Another universal experience of Ayahuasca is the encounter with seemingly intelligent entities which communicate with us telepathically, now I’m making no claim one way or another as to the reality status of these entities we encounter. Simply that phenomenologically in the Ayahuasca experience they are encountered by people all over the world and most frequently of all, the spirit of Ayahuasca herself; Mother Ayahuasca, who is a healer. And although she’s kinda the mother goddess of the planet. She seems to take a direct personal interest in us as individuals. To heal our ills, to want us to be the best we can possibly be, to correct errors and mistakes in our behaviors that may be leading us down the wrong path.

Ayahuasca has been fantastically successful at getting people off harmful addictions to hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Jacques Mabbit at the Takiwasi Clinic a in Peru brings heroin and cocaine addicts out there for a month. Gives them 12 Ayahuasca sessions and they have encounters with Mother Ayahuasca during those sessions that lead them not to wish to take heroin up again anymore and more than half of them leave completely free of their addiction never return to it and don’t even have withdrawal symptoms. And the same incredible healing work was being done in Canada by Dr. Gabor Maté until the Canadian government stopped and intervened his healing practice on the grounds that Ayahuasca itself was an illegal drug.

What is death? Our materialist science reduces everything to matter. Materialist science in the West says that we are just meat. We’re just our bodies. When the brain is dead that’s the end of consciousness there is no life after death, there is no soul, we just rot and are gone. But actually many honest scientists should admit that consciousness is the greatest mystery of science.

This is the paradigm of all spiritual traditions; that we are immortal souls, temporarily incarnated in these physical forms to learn and to grow and to develop.

Let’s not forget that Ayahuasca is not alone. That it’s part of an ancient worldwide system of the targeted, careful, responsible alteration of consciousness. It’s recently been shown by scholars that the Kykeon used in the Eleusian Mysteries in Ancient Greece was almost certainly a psychedelic brew. The Soma of the Vedas may have been a brew based off of the amanita muscaria mushroom. We have the DMT in The ancient Egyptian Tree of Life. We have the whole global cultures of surviving shamanism and what it’s all about is a state of consciousness that’s designed to help us find balance harmony, the Ancient Egyptians would have called it Ma’at, with the universe and to remain mindful that what we’re here to undertake on Earth while immersed in matter is fundamentally a spiritual journey aimed at the growth and perfection of the soul. A journey that may go back to the very origin to what made us human in the first place.

If we as adults are not allowed to make sovereign decisions about what to experience with our own consciousness, while doing no harm to others. Including the decision to use, responsibly, ancient and sacred visionary plants then we cannot claim to be free in any way.


Magic Mushrooms Reduce Selfish and Depressive Brain Activity (Study)

Magic Mushrooms Reduce Selfish and Depressive Brain Activity (Study) | Third Monk image 1


More than half a century ago, author Aldous Huxley titled his book on his experience with hallucinogens The Doors of Perception, borrowing a phrase from a 1790 William Blake poem (which also lent Jim Morrison’s band its moniker).

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.

Based on this idea, Huxley proposed that ordinary consciousness represents only a fraction of what the mind can take in. In order to keep us focused on survival, Huxley claimed, the brain must act as a “reducing valve” on the flood of potentially overwhelming sights, sounds and sensations. What remains, Huxley wrote, is a “measly trickle of the kind of consciousness” necessary to “help us to stay alive.”

New research bolsters the idea of “psychedelic” as an accurate label for these drugs. The word was originally coined by Huxley, from the Greek “psyche” for mind or soul and “delos” for manifestA growing body of literature suggests that these drugs can indeed help scientists understand the workings of the mind and brain, by revealing some of the underpinnings of consciousness.

The Science Behind Magic Mushrooms’ Effect on the Brain


A new study on psilocybin by British researchers supports Huxley’s theory. It shows for the first time how psilocybin — the drug contained in magic mushrooms — affects the connectivity of the brain. Researchers found that the psychedelic chemical, which is known to trigger feelings of oneness with the universe does not work by ramping up the brain’s activity as they’d expected. Instead, it reduces it.

Under the influence of mushrooms, overall brain activity drops, particularly in certain regions that are densely connected to sensory areas of the brain. When functioning normally, these connective “hubs” appear to help constrain the way we see, hear and experience the world, grounding us in reality. They are also the key nodes of a brain network linked to self-consciousness and depression. Psilocybin cuts activity in these nodes and severs their connection to other brain areas, allowing the senses to run free.

Two regions that showed the greatest decline in activity were the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC).

The mPFC is an area that, when dysfunctional, is linked with rumination and obsessive thinking. “Probably the most reliable finding in depression is that the mPFC is overactive,” says Carhart-Harris. “That’s a strong indication of the potential of psilocybin as a treatment for depression.”

The PCC is thought to play a key role in consciousness and self-identity. “The most intriguing aspect was that the decreases in activity were in specific regions that belong to a network in the brain known as the default network,” notes Carhart-Harris. “There’s a lot of evidence that it’s associated with our sense of self — our ego or personality, who we are.”

“What’s often said about psychedelic experience is that people experience a temporary dissolution of their ego or sense of being an independent agent with a particular personality,” he says. “Something seems to happen where the sense of self dissolves, and that overlaps with ideas in Eastern philosophy and Buddhism.” This sense of being at one with the universe, losing one’s “selfish” sense and vantage point, and feeling the connectedness of all beings often brings profound peace.

Carhart-Harris and his colleagues did find support for claims made by sufferers of painful cluster headaches that psilocybin reduces the frequency of their attacks. These headaches are known to involve overactivity of a brain area called the hypothalamus, and psilocybin calmed this region.

Magic Mushrooms Expand the Mind By Dampening Brain Activity | Time Magazine

Terence Mckenna – Culture is Your Operating System, Reset it with Shrooms (Video)

Terence Mckenna - Culture is Your Operating System, Reset it with Shrooms (Video) | Third Monk

The late, great Terence McKenna explains how the psychedelic experience clears all preconceived notions and prejudices and leaves the psyche with a clean, pure view of the self and the universe.

Psychedelics Resets Your Operating System

Data has been arriving about the practices of aboriginal cultures all over the planet that they dissolve ordinary realities, ordinary cultural values, through an interaction and symbioses. A relationship to local plants that perturb brain chemistry. And in this domain of perturbed brain chemistry, the cultural operating system is wiped clean and some thing older – even for these people , something older, more vitalistic, more in touch with the animal soul, replaces it.

Replaces the cultural operating system with some thing not determined by history and geography, but some thing writ in the language of the flesh it’s self. This is who you are, this is truly nakedness, you are not naked when you take of your clothes. You still wear your religious assumptions, your prejudices, your fears, your illusions, your delusions.

When you shed the cultural operating system, then essentially you stand naked before the inspection of you own psyche.

Shamans Can Repair Our Corrupt System

The Shaman is in possession of certain facts about plants about, about animals, about healing, about human psychology, about local geography, about mojo of many different sorts that the client is not aware of, the client is running culture light, the shaman pays for the registered and licensed version of the software and is running a much heavier version of the software than the client.

I think we should all aspire to make this upgrade.

It’s very important that you have all the bells and whistles on your operating system, otherwise some bodies going to get a leg up on you. Well, what’s wrong with the operating system we have consumer capitalism 5.0 or whatever it is… well… its dumb, its retro, its very non competitive, its messy, it waste the environment, it waste human resources, its inefficient, it runs on stereotypes, it runs on a low sampling rate which is what creates stereotypes.

Low sample rates make everybody appear alike when the glory is in every ones differences, and the current operating system is flawed. It actually has bugs in it that generate contradictions. Contradictions such as we’re cutting the earth from beneath our own feet, we’re poisonings the atmosphere we breath. This is not intelligent behavior, this is a culture with a bug in its operating system that’s making it produce erratic, dysfunctional, malfunctional behavior.

Time to call a tech, and who are the techs?

The Shamans are the techs!

Consumer Culture - Terence Mckenna

Bill Hicks – Mushroom Trip Experience, We All Are One (Video)

Bill Hicks - Mushroom Trip Experience, We All Are One (Video) | Third Monk

In this scene from American: The Bill Hicks Story, Bill Hicks’ friends David Johndrow and Kevin Booth describe a mushroom trip where the three buddies encountered peace, love, and interdimensional beings.

You never see a positive drug story on the news. They always have the same LSD story. You’ve all seen it:

“Today a young man on acid … thought he could fly … jumped out of a building … what a tragedy!” What a dick. He’s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn’t he take off from the ground first? Check it out? You don’t see geese lined up to catch elevators to fly south; they fly from the fucking ground. He’s an idiot. He’s dead. Good! We lost a moron? Fucking celebrate. There’s one less moron in the world.

Wouldn’t you like to see a positive LSD story on the news?

To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition?

Perhaps? Wouldn’t that be interesting? Just for once?

“Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.”


Magic Mushrooms Mimics Effects of Meditation – Dr. Roland Griffiths (Video)

Magic Mushrooms Mimics Effects of Meditation - Dr. Roland Griffiths (Video) | Third Monk

Dr. Roland R. Griffiths, Professor of Behavioral Biology Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins, discusses how psilocybin mushrooms can mirror and enhance the effects of meditation.

Meditation has similar affects physiologically in various humans who practice. But the actual practice of meditation is best left to each practitioner so they may construct a method that is best suited for the individual.

Humans Are Biologically Wired for the Magic Mushroom Experience – Roland Griffiths Ted Talk (Video)

Humans Are Biologically Wired for the Magic Mushroom Experience  – Roland Griffiths Ted Talk (Video) | Third Monk image 2

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., is Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His principal research focus in both clinical and preclinical laboratories has been on the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs.

Roland Griffiths took 36 healthy volunteers who have never had a psychedelic experience. After 2 months of having their first Psilocybin experience the volunteers were given various questionnaires to gauge the effect of the psychedelic experience.

70 percent of people were saying. “This is among the 5 most personally meaningful experiences of my life.” I would ask people, what does that mean? Tell me about that. “When my first child was born that changed my life forever. Recently my father passed away, its kinda like that.”

80 percent of the volunteers said that the experience increased their sense of well-being and life satisfaction. No one said it decreased it.

Magic Mushrooms have been around far longer than our civilization. It’s thrilling that science is finally discovering the magic in mushrooms!


Joe Rogan – Interviews on DMT Trip Experiences and Isolation Tanks (Video)

Joe Rogan - Interviews on DMT Trip Experiences and Isolation Tanks (Video) | Third Monk

Joe Rogan – nnDMT Trip Experience Interview

Joe Rogan talks about his DMT experience and the joy of taking psychedelics then jumping into an isolation tank.

Joe Rogan – 5MEO-DMT Experience, Isolation Tank Interview

Joe Rogan trips out on what and how we say things on 5MEO-DMT and a caller talks about isolation tank experiences.

…When I did it I dissolved to the center of the universe and became a part of the cellular structure of all matter, it was the strangest experience ever…

Joe Rogan – Dumb People, Negative Energy Vampires (Video)

Joe Rogan - Dumb People, Negative Energy Vampires (Video) | Third Monk

From The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast 

It doesn’t necessarily mean that any idiots born into an idiot family has to be an idiot. It doesn’t mean that the idiots can’t snap out of it if somehow they do mushrooms or take a yoga class or try to look at their life in a different way but for many people the reason why they’re idiots is not necessarily that their brain doesn’t work that well. They got in a terrible pattern like really early in life, and they have become a dumb fuck. And they are stuck and they live with a bunch of other dumb fucks. So that they get all this negative energy all this time.”

Reindeers Crave Magic Mushrooms (Video)

Reindeers Crave Magic Mushrooms (Video) | Third Monk

In this clip from BBC’s wildlife show Weird Nature, learn more about the reindeer appetite for magic mushrooms, and perhaps discover a little more about the origins of Santa’s flying companions. Researchers believe reindeer deliberately seek out the shrooms to escape the monotony of dreary long winters. “They have a desire to experience altered states of consciousness.