Consciousness Is Linked to a Trigger Deep Inside the Brain (Study)

Consciousness Is Linked to a Trigger Deep Inside the Brain (Study) | Third Monk image 1


For more than a century, scientists have been trying to figure out exactly what consciousness really is, how it works and where it comes from. And while many questions remain to be answered, it appears some researchers have now discovered what they call an “on/off switch” for human consciousness.

A group of scientists at George Washington University say they were able to switch off a woman’s consciousness by electrically stimulating a single area of the brain.

The study published in the Journal of Epilepsy & Behavior, Aug 2014 claims the scientists discovered the “switch” on accident while working to pinpoint the cause of the patient’s seizures.

New Scientist reports the research group was targeting the claustrum, “a thin, sheet-like structure that lies hidden deep inside the brain”, with electrodes.

Gizmodo explains that’s when the women unexpectedly lost consciousness:

​Unlike a seizure, where a person’s activity immediately stops, the patient seemed to ‘slow down,’ speaking more quietly and moving more slowly until she was silent and still, unresponsive to voice or visual stimulation.

Once the electrical stimulation was turned off, she regained full consciousness but with no memory of what just happened.


​​This study is incredibly intriguing but it is one brick in a large edifice of consciousness that we’re trying to build … Ultimately, if we know how consciousness is created and which parts of the brain are involved then we can understand who has it and who doesn’t. –  prominent American neuroscientist Cristof Koch – Huffington Post

While the presence of this on/off switch has only been recorded in one patient, this discovery has potential to help people with epilepsy or who are in a semiconscious state.

Scientists Find ‘On/Off Switch’ For Human Consciousness | Newsy

PostHuman: An Intro to Transhumanism, Using Technology to Evolve (Video)

PostHuman: An Intro to Transhumanism, Using Technology to Evolve (Video) | Third Monk

The British Institute of Posthuman Studies provides a visual explanation of the three dominant areas of transhumanism: super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing,

The revolutionary ideas of thinkers Aubrey de Grey, Ray Kurzweil and David Pearce are briefly covered in the clip.

Transhumanism is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. 

– Nick Bostrom,  A history of transhumanist thought –  Journal of Evolution and Technology.


The Transcension Hypothesis, Life After the Singularity – Jason Silva (Video)

The Transcension Hypothesis, Life After the Singularity - Jason Silva (Video) | Third Monk

What happens after the Singularity? The Transcension Hypothesis by John Smart offers an account of what comes after the technological singularity, also accounting for Fermi’s Paradox. Basically, after our technological adolescent and expansionist explorations, we turn from outer space to inner space.

Our journey undergoes S.T.E.M. compression, the compression of Space, Time, Energy and Matter – until non biological minds live inside virtual worlds at the Nano and Femto scale, further compressing complexity until we create black hole-like conditions and disappear from the visible universe.Jason Silva

Click here for more detailed information on the Transcension Hypothesis.


How Drugs Helped Invent The Internet – Jason Silva Interview (Video)

How Drugs Helped Invent The Internet - Jason Silva Interview (Video) | Third Monk

Reason TV’s Zach Weissmueller Interview with Jason Silva

Biological and Technological Convergence

When the internet does is it connects all of our minds together. And we sort of transcend the limitations of time and distance, so now we move into a post geographical world where we can come together and self organize, and have unexpected relevancy, and serendipity based on shared passions, not bounded by the skin bag.  Amber Case, the Cyborg Anthropologist says that every time we make a telephone call, we’re actually creating a techno social wormhole. It’s technological mediated telepathy. Andy Clarke (Natural Born Cyborgs) says “We should stop thinking of the mental apparatus as bound by the skin bag because the reality is the mental apparatus is dance between brains, their environment, their technology, and their tools.” The extended mind thesis talks about how our iphone is not just a tool but its actually outsourcing our cognition, storing parts of our memories. Just like we have a neocortex, the iphone is part of the extended man.

Psychedelics and Technology

It’s interesting to draw the analogy between psychedelics and computers. Timothy Leary used to say you take psychedelics to get rid of your mental filters, to get rid of your preconceptions,  to expand your sphere of  possibility, to unbound…to free your mind. When he saw the potential of the computers and the internet, he came out in the 90s as a techno optimist and said the computers are the LSDs of the 90s. A lot of the engineers who invented the personal computer and the microprocessor, they were all tripping when they had those realizations of extending the mind with technology.

> @jason_silva | Jason Silva Twitter Feed