Ayahuasca Is Helping Western Minds Align with the Earth’s Vibrations

Ayahuasca Is Helping Western Minds Align with the Earth's Vibrations | Third Monk image 1


Rak Razam is an Australian journalist whose gonzo-style coverage of ayahuasca tourism explores how the ancient Amazonian spiritual healing tradition is impacting the lives of more and more Westerners—and vice versa.

Q: What are the healing benefits of psychedelics, and ayahuasca in particular?

Rak Razam: This is the thing, which has been missing on a core level: trying to look at the root causes of issues, not just the symptoms. The entire world is, at the moment, out of balance.

Our relationship with the planet is out of balance. The ecology is out of balance. The politics are out of balance. The monetary system is out of balance. You name it. It seems to be unsustainable “isms” that we’re living in that are not in right relationship with the planet.…

It’s very strategic and very serendipitous, really, that many, many tribal peoples all across the world still are caretakers for, and have the knowledge and the heritage of, ayahuasca and this entheogenic revival of looking at what the planet gives us with these plants and their substances.

They have held the flame, while, basically western culture—the dominating culture, which has subjugated so many of these cultures—is now getting ready again to come back into balance. Ayahuasca is going out into the world.


Q: What makes it important to you to educate people about these substances? What drives you to talk about and to share what you’ve experienced with other people?

Rak Razam: I’m a writer and I’m a journalist and I’m communicating and documenting what used to be called the counter culture and I call the alter culture now: this multiplicity of communities which are engaging in archaic practices or ways of being which bring them closer back to the planet and its rhythms—whether that’s altered states or counter culture or sovereignty movements or using technology.

I guess ultimately I’m more of a mystic, or as much a mystic as I am a writer. … Things like ayahuasca or psychedelics, they’re only the tip of the iceberg. They’re the finger which points at the moon; they’re not the moon itself. What these things have revealed to me is that there’s a deeper pattern and a deeper game afoot, I guess. I really feel that in the planetary organism of the Earth itself, and then the larger, deeper cosmic ecology, there are rhythms within rhythms. We’re one species among many on the planet and we’ve thrown the world out of balance.

I feel with these psychoactives or these entheogens, which the planet itself secretes—which basically only the higher mammals get high off—there’s a reason. There’s a synergy between the planet and these creations and there’s a larger pattern unfolding, despite all the war and heartache and seeming evil in the world. … Things are changing. There’s a new cycle beginning and I can really feel that. I think many people around the world feel that. I’m hoping to help give language to that and give perspective to that. It’s deeper than ayahuasca. It’s deeper than the psychedelics. It’s a return to I guess what Terrence McKenna called this archaic revival….

It’s like John Lennon [said]. Peace is there if you want it. Utopia is there if we want it, but it’s all about consciousness. I’m not pushing my agenda here, or saying that we should all elevate our consciousness.

What I’m saying is I think the Earth is in cahoots with with our subconscious here. It’s bringing us back into the garden, into this sustainable frequency of being with it, and that is elevating our consciousness.

> Life-Altering Lessons of the Psychedelic Ayahuasca Plant | AlterNet

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Appreciate Life

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Appreciate Life | Third Monk image 1


All your thoughts and feelings are energy, and energy is vibration. Learn to raise your vibration and watch your life change dramatically.

Find Something Beautiful and Appreciate It

Beautiful-Butterflies-Raise Your Vibration

Beauty is all around us, from the morning dew to the evening stars and everything in between. Many go through life not noticing all the beautiful things that are around them, and yes it’s everywhere, so appreciate it when you do.

Whether it’s the scent of a flower or the way rain ripples in puddles of water, appreciate the beauty life has to offer.


Make a List of All You are Grateful For

gratitude - Raise Your Vibration

Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you do not have to what is already abundant in your life.

There is more to be grateful for than you can imagine.




Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress.

Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.



Giving to someone else shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough, to I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration.


Stop Complaining and Gossiping


Complaining and Gossip puts you in a very low vibration. Ask yourself “Are the things you are talking about bringing you more of what you want?” if not stop complaining, and start finding ways to rejoice.


Move, Exercise, Get Active


Vibration requires movement, the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance!

The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.



You are not a victim to circumstance, past, family upbringing, trauma, or anything else. You can change your life in an instant.

In many wisdom traditions this is called “total responsibility.” No one is responsible for how you feel right now, but you. It isn’t a curse. It’s a blessing because it gives you your power back.



Just sit and try to make your breath longer, fuller, and more relaxed. It has a direct effect on your nervous system and helps to calm you down. A calm vibration is a high vibration.



Fear holds us back from being in a state of love and happiness, and facing those fears opens you up to a greater world of possibilities. Fear of Heights? Go skydiving. Scared of public speaking, say a poem at an open mic.

You’ll begin to realize your fear was worse then the actual problem, and a sense of relief will wash over you.


Have a Meaningful Conversation with a Friend.


Rather than gossip or complaining, talk about your ideas.

What do you have planned for yourself? What do you think is the nature of reality? Are we spiritual beings having a human experience?

Talking about these things with someone helps to raise both your vibrations by thinking big. If you don’t have someone to talk to, there’s a community of higher-minded individuals right here.

> Raise that Vibration | Spirit Science and Metaphysics


Cymatics – Bringing Matter to Life with Sound (Video)

Cymatics - Bringing Matter to Life with Sound (Video) | Third Monk image 5


Dr. Hans Jenny made use of crystal oscillators and an invention of his own – the tonoscope – to set plates and membranes vibrating to show how sand and fluids react to the vibration.

This is called Cymatics.

These original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960’s by Dr. Hans Jenny. They depict amazing experiments that produce physically visual representations of sound.

Cymatics – Bringing Matter to Life with Sound – Part 1

This is not unregulated Chaos. It is a dynamic but ordered pattern. – Dr. Hans Jenny


Bringing Matter to Life – Part 2

The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was numbers or in the beginning was symmetry, etc….. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone, in sound.
– Hans Jenny


Bringing Matter to Life – Part 3

I remember the joy of looking at the cymatic sound patters, and the wonderful sense of “Yes!” that  rippled through my being. Each picture was worth at least a thousand words and I felt as though I were reading volumes in just a few minutes.
– Dr. John Beaulieu, “A Commentary on Cymatics” in the foreword of the 2001 edition of Cymatics by Hans Jenny
